Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


The moment Tony heard from Thalia that the car was gone, his heart sank, and his legs nearly gave out beneath him, threatening to send him crashing to the ground.

Nelly’s phone, previously a lifeline, was now disconnected, leaving him helpless, unable to reach her.

Ben and Donna, learning of the situation, felt a surge of terror that mirrored their eyes, which were now rimmed with a haunting shade of red.

“Perchance we should reach out to Mr. Handsome? Mayhap he knows the whereabouts of Mommy,” Donna suggested, her voice trembling.

Her words sparked a glimmer of hope within the group, their desperate situation calling for any lifeline they could find.

Ben wasted no time turning to Tony, eyes filled with urgency as he pleaded, “We must contact him. We must contact Alpha Kilian right away!”

In response, Tony fell into a heavy silence, contemplating their options. After a few tense seconds, he finally nodded. “Alright. We’ll call him immediately!”

Without hesitation, Donna whipped out her phone, fingers shaking as she searched for Alpha Kilian’s contact on WhatsApp. With the contact found, she dialed the number, praying for a response.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Meanwhile, Alpha Kilian found himself engaged in a confrontation with Lara, the tension between them palpable.

Pushing her away, he locked eyes with her, his voice firm as he said, “Lara, you’ve misunderstood.”

“Misunderstood? What have I misunderstood?” Lara demanded, her gaze fixed on him, clouded by the hazy effects of alcohol.

“I’ve always seen you as a friend, a business partner, and family. There are no romantic feelings between us,” Alpha Kilian explained, his words carrying a touch of regret.

Lara stood there, stunned by his revelation.

“You’ve had a bit too much to drink today. We’ll talk more once you’ve sobered up,” Alpha Kilian stated before turning to leave.

But just as he was about to make his exit, his phone rang, disrupting his departure.

Glancing at the screen, he saw it was a WhatsApp voice call from Donna. His brow furrowed, a sense of worry creeping into his features as he answered the call.


“Where are you, Mr. Handsome? Can you please save Nelly? Please, save my mommy,” Donna’s voice cracked with desperation, causing Alpha Kilian’s concern to intensify.

“Tell me, what has happened?” he asked, his tone growing serious.

“I-I don’t know how to explain…”

Someone else took the phone from Donna, their voice trembling. “Where are you right now, Alpha Kilian Morris? Are you with my mommy?”

The unfamiliar voice caught Alpha Kilian off guard, confusion etched across his face. “Who is your mommy?”

“Nelly Jackson. She’s my mommy.”

A chill ran down Alpha Kilian’s spine upon hearing Nelly’s name. He replied with a somber tone, “Nelly has children?”

“Yes. Is my mommy with you or not, Alpha Kilian? She’s in danger. Her life is hanging by a thread!” the child demanded, panic lacing their words.

The mention of Nelly being in danger alarmed Alpha Kilian, triggering a surge of determination within him. “I understand. My phone has a tracking feature. I’ll call you when I’ve made contact with her.” With that, he ended the call, rising to his feet, ready to take action.

Unexpectedly, Lara embraced him from behind, refusing to let go. “Please, don’t leave, Alpha Kilian!”

“I have urgent matters to attend to. Release your hold on me,” Alpha Kilian responded, his voice devoid of warmth as he pried her hands away.

He strode towards the door, preparing to embark on his mission.

Lara’s heart shattered as she watched him go, her eyes fixed upon his retreating figure. She couldn’t help but cry out, “Have you fallen in love with Nelly?”

Alpha Kilian’s steps faltered, his face devoid of emotion as he replied, “I don’t know. But I do know that I must find her at any cost.” With those words, he opened the door and exited, leaving Lara devastated on the floor.

As Alpha Kilian sped towards the location provided by his phone’s tracker, a nagging thought compelled him to reach out to Fabian.

“Call the car dealership and inquire about the status of Nelly’s vehicle. Activate the car’s system and make it stop,” Alpha Kilian commanded urgently.

Confused, Fabian questioned, “Why? What’s happening?”

“Do as I say without further questions! Just do it now!” Alpha Kilian’s panic bled into his words, leaving no room for hesitation.

With no choice but to comply, Fabian promised to make the call and ended the conversation.

Alpha Kilian pressed harder on the gas pedal, his mind racing with worry. “Please, Nelly, stay safe. I hope nothing bad has befallen you,” he whispered to himself, a determined glint in his eyes as he accelerated towards his destination.

Nelly, behind the wheel, initially noticed nothing amiss. Yet, as time passed and the speed increased, she realized the brakes were failing.

Desperate to avoid harm, she veered the car towards the sparsely populated outskirts.

However, the Moonwalk pack was vast, and the roads, despite the late hour, still held a fair number of vehicles.

Nelly’s grip on the steering wheel tightened as she maneuvered through the traffic, her expression a mask of determination.

With each passing mile, her confidence waned. The brakes, now completely unreliable, instilled a sense of dread within her. She searched for a safe area to bring the car to a halt, but the absence of streetlights and the enveloping darkness made it nearly impossible.

Finally, she spotted a mound of soil at a corner. As she tried to get a clearer view, a sudden honk shattered the stillness of the night.

Turning her gaze forward, Nelly was met with an inky void. No road lay ahead.

In the next heartbeat, a vehicle emerged from the darkness on her right. Worse still, it was a truck. Reacting swiftly, she yanked the steering wheel, desperately trying to avoid a collision.

The truck, caught off guard by a car suddenly appearing in its path, swerved and slammed on its brakes.

But fortune did not favor Nelly. Her brakes betrayed her completely. She smashed into the side slope, the speed causing the car to flip upon impact.

Smoke billowed from the overturned vehicle.

Back at home, Tony couldn’t contain his restlessness, his mind plagued with worry.

The three children, fully aware that someone had sabotaged Nelly’s car, remained silent, sparing Alpha Wade from the knowledge, unwilling to add to his burden.

They clung to hope, praying for a miracle, urging fate to be kind to their mother.

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