Alpha King’s pregnant Ex-Luna


Nelly and her team anxiously awaited in the conference room, their wolfish patience waning with each passing minute. Boredom settled heavily upon them, like a thick fog enveloping their senses. In a desperate attempt to ward off the stifling ennui, they decided to indulge in a game of poker online. But Nelly, being new to the game, found herself at a loss. She urgently reached out to Donna for guidance, interrupting her sister’s assumption that Nelly was gallivanting elsewhere, far away from the mundane meeting.

The words slipped from Donna’s lips, laced with surprise, “Where are you, Nelly?”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Nelly carelessly divulged her location, “Morris Corporation.” Her inexperience with the game had led her astray.

Donna paused, absorbing the information before responding, her words laced with a keen mixture of intrigue and caution, “Very well, Nelly. May fortune favor you.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Nelly offered a word of gratitude, and as the call ended, Ross glanced at her, a flicker of fondness in his eyes. “Your sister is quite the charmer.”

Rather than correct him, Nelly let the assumption linger, allowing their curious imaginations to run wild. The subtleties of their relationship were often misconstrued, but Nelly, who her children affectionately called by her first name, had long grown accustomed to such instances.

With a newfound confidence emanating from her core, Nelly triumphantly declared, “I have a royal flush!” as she revealed her staggering hand. The three men around her were left dumbfounded, their jaws slack in astonishment.

Despite her novice status, Nelly had rapidly assimilated to the intricacies of the game, swiftly transforming into a formidable opponent. Ross gazed at her, awestruck, skepticism lacing his words, “Ms. Jackson, are you truly unfamiliar with this game? Have you been deceiving us all along?”

Sincerity was etched across Nelly’s face as she vehemently denied his presumption, her words laden with truth, “No, this truly is my first time playing.”

Silenced and bewildered, Ross found himself at a loss for words. Tommy, heaving a defeated sigh, interjected, “Thank the Moon we hadn’t wagered any money. Otherwise, I would find myself destitute by now.”

Chris, his hand patting his wallet in gratitude, joined in the shared relief.

In an attempt to challenge the veracity of Nelly’s abilities, Ross proposed, “Let us play again. I find it difficult to believe such skill can arise from inexperience.”

As they prepared for another round, the deputy general manager finally strode into the room, his intention to assert his dominance as suggested by Lara swiftly crumbling as he stumbled upon the unexpected tableau of a poker game. His voice laced with confusion and irritation, he demanded an explanation, “What is the meaning of this-”

Nelly deftly passed the cards back into Ross’ hands, intercepting the impending chaos with a honeyed voice, “Ah, there you are! We were just about to adjourn for dinner, had you not finally blessed us with your presence.”

An undeniable tension hung in the air as the deputy general manager scowled, his displeasure palpable. “What is the source of your insolence?”

“Our insolence, you say?” Nelly swept her gaze toward the clock, her words layered with vehemence. “We have been languishing in this room for over half an hour, forty-five minutes to be precise. Is that not enough?”

His furrowed brows spoke volumes of his growing ire.

“Shall we commence this meeting now, or would you prefer a different setting? Perhaps a conversation with Alpha Kilian or Lara herself?” Her audacity fueled her words, daring him to challenge her.

In response, he swiftly capitulated, assuming control in an attempt to regain his composure. “As this matter falls under my jurisdiction, I shall handle it. Let the discussion commence.” He took his seat, acquiescing to the demands of the moment.

Nelly shared a knowing look with her cohorts, effortlessly transitioning into the business at hand, while the deputy general manager, previously inclined to demonstrate dominance, found himself outmatched by her quick-wittedness. Time slipped away as the discussion carried on, untangling the complexities that bound them all.

Meanwhile, Donna, bubbling with curiosity, playfully sought answers from her brothers, her voice ringing with laughter. “Hey, Tony, Ben, have you noticed Nelly’s extended absence? It’s growing late.”

Curiosity piqued, Tony inquired, “What’s the matter?”

Delight danced in Donna’s eyes, mischief driving her words. “Our dear Nelly is spending her evening at Morris Corporation, in the delightful company of Mr. Handsome.”

His interest piqued, Tony and Ben redirected their attention to Donna, keen for further details.

“Nelly divulged the information when I spoke to her earlier.”

“No attempt at secrecy then?” Ben queried, intrigued.

Donna shook her head. “Nelly remains blissfully unaware of our knowledge concerning Mr. Handsome. Her honesty shines through.”

A brief moment of contemplation seized Tony before reluctantly admitting, “If Nelly has yet to return at this hour, the situation may not bode favorably.”

“Don’t think so negatively,” Donna interjected, a touch of admonishment in her voice. “Perhaps Mr. Handsome merely desires a private moment with her.”

He mulled over her words as he retreated into his room.


“I won’t call her. I’ll occupy myself with the wonders of the internet.”

Donna granted him permission, coupled with a gentle reminder, “Remember, Tony, we promised not to interfere in her romantic life.”

With a silent nod, Tony retreated to his room.

Donna, now content with her solitude, sank into the couch, her thoughts drifting to the vivid tapestry of Nelly’s love story. Images of Alpha Kilian and Nelly intertwining their lives dominated her daydreams, and optimism tinged her musings. Perhaps, just maybe, the road ahead won’t be as treacherous as they had feared. Excitement coursed through her veins, anticipation for what lay ahead heightening every sensation.

Meanwhile, in the confines of his room, Tony switched on his computer and entered a chatroom, seeking solace in the realm of digital interaction.

Merely a handful of individuals occupied the chatroom, and Tony’s annoyance flared when he noticed Sara’s offline status.

Before concluding his online escapade, a voice amidst the group erupted, “Tony has graced us with his presence!”

Attention immediately fixated on him, as every other member of the chatroom called out to him.

Feeling compelled to respond, Tony reluctantly replied, “Apologies for my absence. Life has been rather demanding lately.”

HandofConstellation: Sara too has been occupied, but I never expected you to be swamped as well.

Tony: Where is Sara? Why hasn’t she been online?

HandofConstellation: Do you require a private conversation with her?

Tony: Yes, I have a matter of personal importance to discuss.

HandofConstellation: Speaking of Sara, she has just returned online.

A surge of excitement coursed through Tony’s veins, his fingers eagerly typing out his query, “She’s back? Where?”

HandofConstellation: She is logging in as we speak.

Soon after, Sara’s profile lit up, signaling her reappearance. Her words drifted through the screen, teasing and sly, “Have I been missed? Who among you is seeking my attention?

Tony’s response echoed with urgency, “No one is yearning for your presence, but I seek you out. What of the result?”

Sara finally comprehended his intent, responding with a playful lilt to her voice, “Ah, the result you seek to uncover. It should reside within my mailbox. Let me retrieve it.”

Grumbling under his breath, Tony muttered, “If I had known you possessed the result, I would have delved into your mailbox and discovered it myself.”

Sara issued a warning, her voice tinged with a mix of amusement and caution, “Choose your words wisely. The desire to invade my mailbox does not guarantee success. I possess my pride, you know,” a sly acknowledgement of Tony’s hacking prowess.

Unwilling to engage in a fruitless argument, Tony anxiously awaited the revelation of the result.

“Well? What does it say?” Tony implored.

Silence followed his question, causing a spark of irritation to ignite within Tony. Growing impatient, he persisted, “Sara, say something! Anything!”

Sara’s casual reply broke the silence, her words brimming with mischievous delight, “Relax, my friend. I was simply grabbing a glass of water.”

Tony was left speechless, caught between frustration and anticipation.

“So? What is the result?” Tony questioned, his words now tinged with a tinge of impatience.

Sara toyed with him, relishing in the suspense, “Would you care to hazard a guess?”

Tony snapped, his voice tinged with annoyance, “Enough with these games, just tell me!”

Her playful demeanor persisting, Sara mirrored his frustration, “Oh, isn’t the suspense exhilarating?”

Tony’s patience waned, determination replacing hesitance. His fingers danced across the keys, webpages and foreign letters cascading across the screen, a symphony of digital mastery in motion.

Sensing his growing desperation, Sara’s instincts alerted her to the danger. Sara noticed something was wrong.

“What are you trying to do? Are you hacking into my account and mailbox?”

“The result isn’t in your mailbox!” Tony revealed.

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