Alpha Alec's Redemption

Chapter 0062

Chapter 0062



Sadie and I say at the same time, both of us frozen in shock.

F**k! You’ve got to be **g me. I feel like I’ve been hit by a boulder. Of all the people to be my mate, the savior of my pack, why did it have to be her?

“No” she snarled, pulling deep breaths into her lungs. “Just f**g no”

Her eyes are wild and there is a tremor in the hand as she runs it down her face. I can’t move. I can’t do a f**g thing except stare at her.

How the hell was this f**g possible? Just hours ago I almost killed her, and now you’re telling me that she’s my f**g mate? There has to be a f**g mistake or something.

“I guess there is no need to ask what is going on” Micah said unhelpfully.

Everyone in the room is as shocked as the two of us. No one saw this **t coming, I mean come the **k on. Fate must be playing a cruel joke on us.

“Sadie, calm down,” the red-headed witch tries to tell her friend, but it seems like Sadie isn’t willing to listen.

“Hell no” she yelled. “I thought that**h was done playing games with my***g life, but this is too cruel even for her cold beating heart!”

“Who are you talking about, Sadie” the man with a scar gently asked her.

“The moon goddess! That’s who I’m talking about Why would she play me like this, as if I didn’t hate this b***d enough, and now she makes him my mate?”

I growled at her insult.

“It’s not like I’m thrilled at this unfortunate turn of events” I said through gritted teeth.

“I was talking to you” she snapped. “So shut the f**k up.”

“Don’t f**g talk to me like that!”

“Or what?” she challenges, her eyes flashing color. “What are you going to do about it, Alec? Lock me in the dungeon and torture, huh? Kill me? I should have ripped your spine and killed you when I had the chance, then I wouldn’t be stuck with you as my mate.”

Her words, hate and venom drive me insane. I want nothing but to strangle her and forget that I have a mate.

“Do you think I’m dancing in joy at having a b**h like you as a mate?” I asked, feeling my anger rise to the surface. “I’d give up my balls if I could change this d**n fate.”

We were head-to-head when Micah steps in between us.

“Everyone just calm down” he tried, calming us. “Take a deep breath, and then we can work this out. No need for. insults and bloodshed.”

Sadie scoffs, but steps away. She turns and faces the desk, her shoulders rising and falling as she takes deep breaths.

I step away too and run my hand through my already disheveled hair. D**n it! How did things end up so badly? How could one simple trip that was meant to get us an ally turn into such a major cluster **k?

My mind was a f**g mess and I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. It didn’t help that Knox was unnaturally quiet.

“What do you think?” I asked him.

He looks just as lost as I felt. “I don’t f**g like this, but we need her remember? She’s the only one that can break the f***n*g curse.”Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

**t! I’d completely forgotten about that d**n curse and what my mate had to do with it. Again, I ask, why her? Why couldn’t it be anyone else? I wouldn’t have such a big problem with it if it wasn’t Sadie.

“This doesn’t make any sense,” Jason spoke for the first time since we entered this room.

“What doesn’t make sense?” this comes from Micah.

Jason steps forward and stand beside me. “All this! If they are mates, shouldn’t they have been able to sense it the moment they saw each other outside yesterday? Instead, they were both out to get each other.”

Nobody says a d**n thing. I frown at that. He was right. We should have been able to scent each other like we did right now.

Jason continued. “I think Sadie had the witch do something. She has always wanted you. Maybe she got the witch to forge a fake bond. That way she can have you and have her revenge at the same time.”

“You really aren’t the brightest cookie of the bunch, are you?” Sadie turned to him and asked.

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