A Touch From You

Chapter 12


Few days had passed and it was the most amazing moments of my life. Everyday with Makayla was a breath of fresh air. I learnt more about her and I shared more things about my family with her. I had no doubts that my mother would love her, Mrs Woods loved beautiful things when she saw one.

I could hardly believe my luck when our past crossed again and this time around, I was fully convinced that we were meant to be together. The fates had decided our faith and that is I was to be with Makayla.

Even though I’ve been having the best time of my life, it wasn’t complete without my best friend, Dylan. I was currently outside his house trying to find out if he was in. Since he dropped that cryptic message… Protect her, I’ve been racking my head trying to understand what he meant. The more I think about it, the more I get confused. I couldn’t tell Makayla because I didn’t want her to get scared and also because my mother’s birthday is in three days and I really needed her to be happy. That was one of the main reasons why I’m currently standing at Dylan’s front door.

I knocked again hoping that someone at least answers the door. I was just about to call it quits and return to my car when the door opened to reveal Dylan’s mum. Mrs Robinson stood with a pleasant smile on her face and my pounding heart subsided a little. Dylan must be fine, that’s why she’s smiling.

“Jason”, she said, giving me a big hug.

“Good evening ma’am”, I smiled.

Mrs Robinson, Dylan’s mum was like a second mother to me. She was a tall woman, her brown hair already had grey undertones and when she laughed, there were new lines beneath her eyes. She was getting on in years and I felt was because this woman standing right here took care of me like her own son the days my mother travelled and had to leave me behind.

“It’s good to see you son, come in”

“I’m sorry ma’am I’d love to but I’m in a bit of hurry. I came to see Dylan. Is he in?”, I said.

She wore a confused look and my heart began racing again. I dreaded what she was going to say, bracing myself for it.

“Dylan is not here. As a matter of fact, I haven’t seen him for a couple of days now. The only time he called which was last week, he claimed he was busy and would come home when he’s free”, she said.

“Why?, Dylan what are you up to?”, I whispered.

“Jason what’s wrong? He’s your friend, didn’t he tell you where he is?”, she choked.

There was a sheen in her eyes, she desperately tried to fight back tears. I took her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze silently reassuring her that everything is okay.

“I don’t know, Dylan and I haven’t really been in speaking terms. Honestly, I’m so confused”, I said, helplessly.

“Do you think he’s involved in anything bad? Is my son a criminal?”, she sobbed.

“I don’t think so. I’ll call him before the end of the day and find out where he is. I’m sure he’s fine, don’t worry”, I hugged her.

“Thank you”

After making sure she’s alright, I left for my car. I’m sure Dylan is alright, he’s an adult and knows what to do but deep down, I was scared. I offered up prayers to any gods above to keep him safe. I was on my way to Makayla’s house to give her the travel tickets to California. I haven’t told her we’d be traveling for the party, I wanted to surprise her and I couldn’t wait to see the reaction on her face.

I parked in the driveway and killed the engine as I stepped out of the car, heading to the front door. Just then, a thought crossed my mind. I’ve been to Makayla’s house so many times but she has never been to mine. I decided to invite her and I knew just what I would. Before I got to the front door, it was flinged open by her eight year old cousin, Megan.

“Hi”, she said with a toothy grin.

“Hi, how are you Megan?”, I smiled.

“I’m fine. I know, you’re here to see Makayla. She’s upstairs, come on in”, she said.

“Sure. Megan, you shouldn’t just open the door at the sound of any car. You’ve got to be more careful okay?”, I smiled.

“Okay. Now come in, it’s freezing”

She pulled me inside, slamming the door shut. Once again, I admired the beautiful living room and the pleasant smell wafting from the kitchen. Makayla’s mum came out from the kitchen holding a tray of freshly baked cookies. She smiled when she saw me and told me to go upstairs where Makayla’s room was.

I took the stairs two at a time and soon, I was standing at her door. I pushed quietly and I discovered she was fast asleep. Setting the tickets on her bed side table, I lay on the bed sponning her from behind. She mumbled still lost in sleep as I silently caressed her hair. She turned opening her eyes as she took me in. Somehow, her eyes shone even brighter in the semi dark room.

“You knew I was here didn’t you”, I said

“Of course, your perfume gives you away and also because no one holds me the way you do”, she smiled, tracing my lips with her finger.

I leaned in, taking her soft lips for a kiss. She moaned, wrapping her hands around my neck as I deepened the kiss. I kissed every inch of her face while she caressed my hair which made me relax. She broke the kiss first as tried to catch her breath. Her face was red and I was secretly proud of my work.

“Remind me to always kiss you when you’re upset because boy, you’re one hell of a kisser”, she said, smacking my chest.

“Then I’m always going to pretend that I’m upset just to get your fine lips on me”, I said.

“Jason.. You’re so crude”, she laughed.

“How was your day honey”, i said.

“Boring… But I finally started that book I’ve been wanting to write. I’m proud of myself”, she beamed.

“Mighty proud of you young woman. What would be my reward for encouraging you?”, I smiled.

And without no need for words, Makayla kissed me. She poured every emotion into that kiss and I returned it in like manner. We could go on and on but I really wanted to tell her why I was here so I broke the kiss, taking her hands in mine as I decided on how to put my request.

“Listen baby, I’ve got to something to say”

“Is something wrong?”, she said in a small voice.

“No, nothing’s wrong”

I reached out for the two tickets beside her bedside table, presenting it to her as I watched different reactions cloud her eyes.

“Jason-, she whispered. What’s this?”.

“Well baby, we’re going to California for my mum’s birthday”, I said, finally.

For several minutes, Makayla remained silent thinking over my words. I could tell that she didn’t expect this and was quite surprised at what now lay in her laps.

“I should have informed you a few days back but I wanted it to be a surprise and I totally understand if you don’t want to go”, I said quickly.

“No… No, Jason it’s not that. I don’t know how my mum would take this, it’s easier knowing I’m here but California would give her an heart attack”, she said as she picked up the tickets.

“I understand, there’s no pressure on this babe”, I smiled.

” When do we leave?”, she asked.

I didn’t expect her to ask that question and for sometime, I didn’t know what to say. I stared until I snapped out of it.

“The birthday is in three days time but we can leave the day after tomorrow so we can settle in before the party on Saturday”, I said.

She mulled over my words for sometime and just then, a brilliant smile lit up her face.

“I’ll go Jason and I think I know just the right way to persuade my mum”.

“Makayla, what do you have in mind?”, I laughed.

“Oh, don’t you worry. You’ll see”, she said with a sinister look in her eyes.

“I hope that whatever you do, you do not get grounded for life”

“Puhlease, I’m an adult. I won’t get grounded”, she smiled.

“Okay mademoiselle but know you can call on me in times of trouble and I’ll come bounding in in my shining armor”, I said.

“Oh no prince Jasom, you’ll be riding in with your power bike and by the way, I love it”

“Sabrina loves you too”, I said.

She had a confused look on her face and I realized it’s what I said. Makayla didn’t know that my power was named Sabrina. I quickly explained this to her before she got any ideas but she burst out laughing after I told her.

“Why Sabrina though?”

“Well, my grandma’s name is Sabrina and before my dad died, he always told me how string she was and because my power bike is the strongest bike I know, I named her that.

“That’s so cute. Can I go on a ride on it soon?”, she said, giving me a puppy dog eye.

She knew I couldn’t resist it and at the end, I gave in but that would be when we returned from my mum’s birthday party which also reminded me that I had to get her a gift.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“Do you happen to have any ideas on what kind of gifts I can give an elderly woman”

“Of course, I do. Why don’t we hit the mall, there still time before it closes. The earlier, the better”, she said, leaving the bed.

Makayla changed in the bathroom because in her own words, she didn’t trust me not to do anything rash. Soon, she was done and we headed downstairs. She informed her mum where we were headed and the older woman shooed us off.

We got into the car and soon, we were on the long ride to the mall but with my girlfriend by my side, it was totally worth it.

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