A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


Gregory swept beneath the canopy of the courtesan’s tent with his features reflecting the foul mood in which he found himself. It was good that he had the support of his pack. In his heart, he trusted that Ulf would eventually come to his senses. It was a part of his duty to put on a brave and confident face for his pack mates, because adopting a losing attitude was a great way to guarantee defeat.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

All that being said; he was just about angry enough to try and fell a tree by repeatedly smashing at the trunk with his forehead.

Taking his foul mood home with him wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t want to take that sort of attitude to Algra or Janette. Valise wasn’t a good option either, since in her current head-space she might consider it directed at her. The poor woman did tend to blame herself for everything.

So that left Lydia and Fiona, with whom he could bathe and remain tactfully silent for the duration until he cooled off. They were both aware enough to know when their master needed to sort his head out, and neither of them would blame themselves for it. It was part of their job to understand the mood of their clients, and adjust their approach accordingly.

So when he arrived in their tent to find no one there, he outright growled.

Thankfully that guttural noise was interrupted a few moments later by Lydia’s voice rising up from behind him.

“Master? Do you require something?” she asked.

“You.” He answered shortly. “Where’s Fiona?”

“Ambassador Rudd requested her service for the night. He has a human guest who doesn’t believe it’s possible for Fiona to exist, so Rudd asked for her presence to prove him wrong.”

“And aren’t you supposed to be in here?”

“Since Fiona is spending the night relaxing with the ambassador, Janette said I might take the night off. Was I wrong to-?”

“No!” Gregory shouted the word with such force that Lydia actually flinched. He saw that momentary look of fear and uncertainty on her face, and grew even more furious with himself. “Dammit. No. And I’m sorry.” He spoke with carefully controlled breaths. “Of course you can have the night off, Lydia. I’m just having a fucking awful day. Don’t worry. I’ll get over it.”

Rather than take him at his word and leave, Lydia instead stepped up behind him and lifted her hands to rest them on his bare shoulders. He felt her heavy breasts cushioning against his back, and lifting slightly when she raised herself up onto her tiptoes.

“If my master is weary then surely it’s my duty to make him feel better.”

“In that case, I was hoping to get a bath. I ache all over. Do you want me to go heat up some water?”

Lydia’s expression flashed a note of momentary disappointment behind him. She’d clearly had other ideas about how to cheer him up that didn’t involve bathing, except perhaps with each others tongues. Still, upon hearing what he’d wanted she immediately rallied herself and released his shoulders to walk in front of him to offer a warm smile.

“Water is already heated, master. We keep a pot near the fire just in case you come to us. Please, remove your clothes and I will be with you again soon.”

The feeling of relief that swept through him was so great that he instinctively took Lydia in his arms and set his lips against hers. She felt the heat of his gratitude in the slow caress of his mouth, and when he released her she found herself wearing quite the radiant smile.

“Thank you, Lydia. You’re a life saver.”

She would have liked his sentiment to be a little stronger, but his thanks was certainly enough to make her hop on the spot and rush off to prepare his bath.

Gregory felt some of the frustration inside him dissipate, and his shoulders slumped before he began shucking off his boots and sliding his trunks down his thighs. Lydia had already reappeared by the time he was fully naked and settling himself down on the soft leather mat that the courtesans used for bathing.

She carried a piping hot pot of water with two thick cloths wrapped around the handles to avoid burning her hands. After she settled it down, she took a large cup to mix it with some cold water from a bucket already inside the tent. Once the liquid had reached the ideal temperature, she took it up along with a few bottles of oil and a little block of soap. Once she’d neatly arranged the items beside him, she walked before him to strip off her own bikini.

Although she did this in a generally casual manner, he strongly suspected an ulterior motive. Especially in the way she slid the strings of her top down her arms in smooth strokes to hide her breasts from his view until she turned to face him directly. She then hooked her thumbs in the string of her thong and absently pulled it tightly up against her until little was left to the imagination. She made an absent gesture of this, as if she was merely testing the strength of the string before shedding the little garment down her legs and kicking it off her bare foot to land in his lap.

“I’m sorry, master. I was trying to flick them over your head. I missed.” She rather needlessly explained herself whilst crouching down to pick up her underwear, not before wrapping her fingers around his cock and gently massaging its length.

“Mmm, feel free to miss any time you like.” Despite his exhaustion and his foul mood, he couldn’t quite resist the lure of her soft touch so expertly caressing his cock.

“You know I could jump over and try and sit down on the exact spot where I was trying to throw my underwear. I’m sure my aim would be just as bad.” The clear invitation to have her pussy wrapped around his cock instead of her undergarments was offered up with a sexy glint in her dark, green eyes.

“That’s an appealing thought, but not right now.”

“Master, am I not…?” Lydia trailed off. She didn’t quite know what the hell was wrong with her, but she wasn’t used to getting that kind of rejection after such a brazen offering.

“Lydia, you are beautiful. The truth is that I’d love to have you right now, but I don’t think my mood would suit your needs.”

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