A Sex Slave To Alien Masters (Erotica)


After his victory, his thoughts had turned to Algra, Janette and a number of the other beauties that inhabited his camp. He really was in the mood to celebrate, and could think of no better celebration than bedding his mate and his girlfriend for the next few days. After their victory, the Runts wouldn’t need to present themselves at the proving grounds for a week. He was hoping that during that time he wouldn’t need to put his trunks on at all.

Given the direction that his thoughts had been wandering off to, having to follow a particularly gorgeous young orc woman was distracting. Like most orcs, Ulla wore very little clothing. Arms, legs and midriff were left largely bare, and the thick strips of fur that covered her intimate regions didn’t leave quite so much to the imagination as his human sense of modesty would have liked.

That human modesty hadn’t really been put into practice in the past couple of months since his arrival on Arolius. This time was different, given what he suspected of Ulf’s feelings for Ulla, he did his best to rally his sense of modesty as best he could. Unfortunately, that rallying cry was having quite a bit of trouble making itself heard over the deafening roar of the animal that had been unleashed inside him which now craved female companionship almost all the damn time. Usually he could channel that energy into other pursuits, but that wasn’t exactly easy when he found himself watching one of the nicest asses he’d ever seen swishing in front of him.

It was therefore a very long walk for Gregory, who spent a lot of his time making a point of trying to watch birds passing in the sky. This initially seemed to work to alleviate his problem, until Ulla led him out into the forest and he started walking into a lot of tree branches chin-first.

Eventually he had to shift his gaze back to her and the path ahead whilst feeling the familiar heat rising inside him at the sight of her. They eventually came out into the glade the Runts had used for training in private. It was now empty, and Gregory realised she’d taken him there by a route he’d never known about.

“Have you been watching us train, Ulla?” he asked after looking back along the path and realising how well hidden it was.

“Yes. You are a good alpha, Gregory Hopkins,” she said before rounding to face him.

“I’m not the alpha. That’s Ulf’s job and he can keep it.”Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

“If you think yourself not their alpha then you are a fool. It is not enough to claim the title, you must do the job. You do, Ulf doesn’t.”

“He will.” Gregory’s tone hardened.

“Come now, the victory today is yours to claim. As you have claimed so much since you came to us.”

He turned away from her, feeling frustrated and annoyed with her line of thinking. The victory wasn’t something he’d wanted. In the grand scheme of things, he couldn’t have cared less about winning a proving match. What he wanted was his damned ring back so that he could go home again. Everything else was a means to that end. Except that wasn’t the only thing he wanted anymore. He also wanted to stay here and live with Algra forever. Maybe go back to her little hideaway with Janette and fill the rest of his days with love, sex and laughter. Given that these two goals seemed utterly mutually exclusive, he didn’t particularly like thinking about the matter.

“I’m not out to claim any victories, Ulla. What was it that you wanted to talk with me about?” He folded his arms across his bare chest and looked out toward the tree line where he knew the camp lay just beyond.

“It is time that we all came together, do you not agree?” she asked.

“Yeah, I was all for that before you tried to kick my teeth out.”

“Then we must find a better way to exert our energies.”

“How about you just not try to kick my teeth in again? I’m all for-”

At that point he turned around and felt quite a bit of the air seemingly vanish from his lungs. Ulla stood before him, one hand resting on her hip whilst she regarded him with a confident smile around her tusks.

She’d taken the time when his attention was focused on the trees to discard the small garments she wore. What those garments had been hiding certainly lived up to expectations. Sizable breasts rested comfortably upon her chest; perfectly sculpted to her athletic frame with their peaks already hardened despite the heat of the late morning sun. Between her legs, she had shorn off all traces of hair to leave a glimpse of her lower lips glistening with all the pleasure they promised. She was somewhat more slender than Algra, with smoother skin and a slightly more youthful flush to her appearance.

The bulge in his pants seemed to almost visibly throb, and grow with the excitement of each passing moment his gaze drank in her nude body. The animal clawed at the edges of his mind, ravenous with a need to ravage the gorgeous orc until she was left screaming his name to the clear blue sky above.

Except that he immediately knew that would be a truly spectacular mistake.

“What are you doing, Ulla?” He tried to keep his voice level and devoid of the raw lust he felt in looking upon her.

“I’m mending the break between us. I will become your mate, and subject to you as you will be to me. You are an alpha of the provings, and a famously talented lover. I am the greatest warrior in the provings. It is a good match.” She stepped closer to place her hand on his bare chest.

“Alright, well first off, I’m not a fucking alpha of anything. I told you that’s Ulf’s job. And you are nowhere near the greatest warrior in the provings. You can fight, but you can’t follow orders for-”

“I will follow your orders, Gregory. I will do anything you wish of me. We shall bring much honour to each other.” Her hand started sliding down over his hard pectorals toward the hefty lump in his trunks.

Knowing where that would likely end, he stepped back from her touch with an enormous exertion of willpower.

“I am Algra’s mate, and she is mine.”

“A true orc can take more than one mate to his side, silly human. You seem to tend the fire of many every night in that camp of yours. I’ve heard just how much your lovers sing your praises whilst you do it. I’ve listened to them. I’ve slid my fingers between my legs and played myself to their tune.”

She accompanied that by demonstrating just what she did, her hand lowered from where it had been reached out to him and slipped between her thighs to run her fingertips over her bare pussy.

Jesus fucking wept, he thought to himself before turning away from her again.

“And you’d take your place at Algra’s side then?” he said with more than a hint of scorn.

“Once you had me, I would devote every single moment of my life to making sure you never wanted to even look at that cowardly bitch ever again. I’d-”

Hearing those words, he rounded back on her with such a hot rage blazing in his gaze that she instinctively stepped back. Though he didn’t advance upon her further, it was clear that lust wasn’t the only emotion he was having trouble restraining just then. She had never seen such anger. It burned in his eyes like a force unto itself. In their fight before she had left the Runts, she had glimpsed it. Power and ferocity of such strength that any who glimpsed it would know exactly how this human was able to go into battle against orc warriors.

She felt a single drop of her arousal begin to lightly trickle down the inside of her thigh.

“You want to take me like that?” she asked; closing the distance between them once more, and feeling something very similar to the thrill of oncoming battle. “Have at it then, Gregory. I am ready, and you would be my first, but by The First itself I will fuck you harder than you’ve ever dreamed. Forget the coward who left my brother to die in the dirt. Give yourself to me. Now!”

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