A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



I had just left the library, and thought to take little Logan up to my room. I wanted him to spend the night with me, but then, it was already time for dinner. I didn’t want to leave him alone in my room, and have a repetition of what happened the last time. I didn’t want him waking up alone and getting scared.

Just as I walked into the dinning room, I saw a woman, standing and talking to Layla and king Xavier. The room was semi full, but everyone was just silent. What was happening?

‘Denver?’ I mindlinked, and got replied almost immediately.

‘Audrey! The king’s mother just showed up. And it seems to be that she has some bad news’.

‘Oh, no!’. The next minute, Logan breezed in from the direction of the library, and I frowned slightly. Was he coming from the library, because….

“Mother?” He called out, looking very concerned, and pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Logan!” She quickly turned to him. That was when I clearly saw her face. She definitely looked younger than her son.

“Mother, what’s wrong?”

“Dante is in danger!” She rushed out. Who was Dante?

“What?! How? When?” Logan asked.

“Two days ago. His captors left this note, which I figured was actually meant for you.” She stretched out her hand and gave him a folded and blood stained note. Immediately, Logan opened the note and his expression got me even more worried.

All the while, little Logan still laid in my arms, sleeping soundly.

“What does it say?” Layla asked in worry. We were all definitely worried.

The next minute, he was looking up at me, fear evident in his eyes. What was going on? What did the note say?

“Let me see.” Layla collected the note from him, and read through. Soon enough, she released a gasp and looked up at king Xavier, before looking at me.

“What is it?” Liam walked to where we all stood.

“Liam…. Liam it’s….” She released a deep breathe, trying to find her words.

“Sebastian is back.” Logan announced, and my mind fell through. What?!

“Who is Sebastian?” One of the vampire officials seated at the dinning, asked. Before I realized myself, I was already walking towards Layla and taking the paper from her hand. Almost immediately, she pulled a sleeping Logan out of my arms.

I focused my gaze on the paper, and read through.


It’s been a while, dearest brother. If you want the vampire, come get him at the territory’s boundary. Failure to do so within the next 5 days, and he dies.

PS: No deal, if you don’t bring my woman along.



And that woman was…. me?

I was about to ask how this was even happening, but I realized it all made sense. For the rogues to suddenly decide they wanted to fight and take over the 4 supernatural territories, there must have been some sort of push. Someone who convinced them that it was achievable. Someone who had always had an insatiable thirst for power. Sebastian.

But even as I had figured the whole thing out, my heart didn’t stop beating so fast. Goddess! Sebastian was back to fight against Logan. What…. which…. how were we going about this?

“Honourables!” Logan suddenly called out to the officials, and I looked up at him. “There seems to be an unforeseen situation.” He visibly ground his teeth against themselves. “For that reason, we would be having an improptu meeting tonight at the council room.”

Murmurs filled the entire room, and I suddenly developed a headache.

“Logan, what’s going to happen?” Queen Brienne asked, and he released a sigh.

“I don’t know yet, mother. It all depends on the outcome of this meeting. You shouldn’t lose hope though. I would try my best to see that this doesn’t leave you filled with sorrow. Please hang in there.” He pulled her into his embrace.

Taking my first step and almost losing balance, I felt someone’s arms behind me. I turned to see Denver.

“Are you okay?” He muttered, and I didn’t even know what answer to give.

“Please help me up to my room.” I requested, and he gave a nod, supporting my waist with his arm, and taking me upstairs. Logan had just called for a meeting, but I didn’t know if I was mentally fine to be in attendance.

Sebastian had made it clear that there was no meeting without me. What did that mean? What did he want with me? Was I going to be given, in exchange for Queen Brienne’s Dante? I was just so confused and shocked.

When we got to my room, Denver escorted me in, and literally tucked me in to bed, before leaving.

What I appreciated the most, was the fact he hadn’t asked a single question, concerning what that note contained. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to make out a reasonable sentence, if I tried to explain.

I laid in bed, several thoughts swimming through my head. I thought I was never going to have the displeasure of laying eyes on him again? Why was he suddenly showing up now?

What was I even saying? Sebastian had been a rogue for 5 years. What were we really expecting when we had been discussing about this war? How come none of us had thought in this direction?

I didn’t know how long I stayed on my bed, so deep in thoughts, until I heard a knock.

“Audrey, it’s me!” Layla. “Please can I come in?”

“Yes.” I muttered, not sure she’d hear me, but she did. The next minute, she opened my door and walked in.

“Audreeeyyy….” She released a sigh, joining me on bed.

“Who is Dante?” I found myself asking.

“You don’t know?” She asked, sounding surprised.

“No.” I shook my head in negation.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You probably know him, but just don’t know Dante is his name. He is my mother’s beloved.”


“Has the meeting started?” I asked again.

“Yes. Over an hour ago.” An hour?! How long had I been here? “Logan says not to bother you. He insists you wouldn’t be going anywhere.”

“Then what happens to Dante?” I sat up on my bed. “Sebastian would definitely kill him.”

“The officials are deliberating on the issue presently. Liam keeps giving me feedbacks through our mindlink. They are trying to think of a better alternative.”

“A better alternative that would risk his life.” I sighed. It seemed Layla had no idea how vengeful and full of evil, her stepbrother was.

“I know we haven’t really spoken about it, because I still felt it was a sore subject. I heard what really happened.” Layla sighed. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.” She pulled my stiff body into her embrace. “He has hurt you enough, and Logan wouldn’t let it happen again.”

“At the detriment of Dante?”

“Actually,” She scratched her ear suspiciously. “Not just Dante.”

“What?” I asked in confusion and slight panic.

“Just after you left for your room, we received two other visitors. Two witches have been abducted from their covens. And the fae princess is also…. gone.”

“What?! Layla!!” I yelled in disbelief. “And you’re just telling me?”

“You were already as shaken as could be. I didn’t want trouble you more.”

“Layla, can’t you all see what is going on?” I cried out. “People from several other territories were captured as well. And Sebastian insists there will be no release, without my presence. He knows Logan wouldn’t want to concur to it, thereby causing dispute between us and the other races.”

“But what do you want Logan to do? He would definitely not give you up willingly, even if he is on the verge of death!” She yelled in exasperation, and I felt my heart melting at the sound of those words. I loved him just as much. But this was a very trying time, and I needed to be his strength.

Immediately, I hopped down my bed and started making my way out of my room.

“Where are you going?” Layla asked in worry.

“To the meeting. I wouldn’t sit by and watch an internal crisis occur, now that we need all races to be as united as possible! They are trying to shake us up so hard, that we wouldn’t be ready for when the main storm hits.”

“Audrey you….”

“I am Luna! And it is my duty to protect my kingdom. I wouldn’t sit back here like a weakling.” I shook my head in outright refusal, and walked out.

Layla followed behind me as I walked towards the council room. Her pleas for me to go back to my room, had fallen on deaf ears. There was no doubt I was scared as hell. I was terrified! I didn’t know what would be my fate, if Sebastian venture got hold of me. But then, my life wasn’t worth 4 other lives.

“Move aside.” I ordered the guards blocking the door to the council room, but they remained in their position. “I said, move aside.” I repeated.

“I’m sorry Luna, but his majesty has ordered we don’t let you in.”

“Trust me, you don’t want to feel my wrath. Move aside.”

They remained in the position, and I released a sigh. I truly didn’t want to hurt them, so I did the best I could. In seconds, they went still.

“Audrey, what did you do?” Layla asked in worry.

“Not something you haven’t seen before. They will live.” I muttered, before pushing them aside like mannequins.

I made my way inside the council room and just like I had imagined, there wasn’t peace.

“So our own people do not matter?! My daughter had been held hostage, for crying out loud!!” The usually comical Fae King yelled in annoyance.

“And she would be out.” I spoke up, and they all looked back at me. I boldly made my way to the front, where Logan sat, looking angry and confused by my appearance.

‘What are you doing….’ Before he could finish communicating through our mindlink, I shut him off.

“Honourables, I apologize for the mental stress you all must be going through at the moment.” I said.

“We don’t need apologies, we need actions!” One of the vampire officials yelled out. I noticed the witches were a bit neutral, and it was expected. Logan was their Chief custodian, and they didn’t want to cause him any pains. But then again, this was part of the issues that came with leadership. We were appointed to serve, and not just be served.

“I know.” I nodded. “And that is why I will be going for the exchange in two days time.” I announced. I could feel Logan and a few other people, aggressively trying to connect with me through our mindlink, but I wasn’t letting him.

The whole place fell silent, and I thought it was a good start.

“Over the weeks, I believe we have all built a bond between ourselves, regardless of our races. It has been so uplifting to see, and I wouldn’t let it burn to the ground, just because the rogues think they can destabilize us and break this unity! We are to show them that we forever remain united! They are, so why shouldn’t we?”

“Luna, we can’t put your life on the line!” One of the Alphas voiced out.

“Oh yes, you can! I am Luna, and my work is to protect my kingdom! I wouldn’t sit by like a weakling, and watch these bastards destroy our weeks of hardwork. If we must go to war, then we will go as one. I don’t care if I lose my life in the process.” The whole place was as calm as a graveyard, and I was convinced I had passed the message. “Let preparations be made. We leave to go get our people in two days.” They were still silent. “I believe that is all we have to talk about? This meeting is dismissed.” I announced, before walking away. This was it, and there was no backing down now.



I opened my door for the hundredth time this morning, and released a sigh of disappointment. I hadn’t seen any flowers yet. It was way past the time he normally dropped my flowers. He hadn’t said a word to me since after the meeting, last night. Was he doing this because I went against his orders? Was he mad at me? I thought he was serious about working things out? Didn’t he care that I may go for this exchange tomorrow, and not return?

I heard a knock and literally ran to the door. When I opened it, I was disappointed to see it was Isla.

“Hey.” She muttered.

“Hey.” I responded. “Please come in.” I held the door open, and she stepped in.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked, immediately I closed the door behind her. “Why are you putting your life on the line?”

“Because it’s the right thing to do.”

“Logan is hurting because of your decision.”

“He isn’t acting like it.” I muttered, trying so hard to not glare. “He hasn’t said a word to me ever since last night. It’s already afternoon, and I have such a short time before I embark on this dreadful mission. Does he even care?!”

“Audrey, he does! He hasn’t left Queen Brienne’s shrine since last night! All because of you!”

“How….. why?” I asked in confusion.

“I guess….” She released another sigh. “He is waiting on Hecate. He wants to be shown the outcome of the meeting with Sebastian tomorrow.”


“He is so worried about you!” I went silent, unable to say a word. I didn’t know that was the case.

“You remember when I told you I couldn’t be with Logan?” She asked, to which I nodded.

“There was a reason why.”

“You said so.”

“Actually, two reasons.” She exhaled. “One being that, he had never stopped loving you. Through those five years you were gone, he tried to force himself to detest you, but he could never really achieve it. I became very sure about it the last time we had sex. That was a year ago. He had moaned your name while with me, and didn’t even realize it. Up until today. And I chose not to tell him, because he was definitely going to deny it.”

My breathing became shallow instantly.

“I definitely couldn’t be with him, knowing his heart still belonged to you. So don’t ever question his love for you, he always has.”

“Isla…” I teared up and the next minute, we were in a tight embrace. “Thank you.” I whispered into her ear, and she nodded. “So what do I do now?” I asked immediately we pulled apart. “Can I go meet him at the shrine?”

“Just wait a little longer. I have a feeling he would be out soon.” She assured.

“And what if the vision he sees is negative?” I found myself asking, dread filling my mind.

“Then make the most of today. Show each other love, like it’s going to be your last.” She gave a sad smile. This was really happening. We were in the middle of this trouble and confusion. She turned to leave, and then I remembered something else.

“What is the second?”

“What?” She asked at loss.

“The second reason why you couldn’t be with him.” I explained.

“Ohh….” She muttered, looking kinda sad. “When I was sixteen, a prophecy was given about my life.”

“What was it?”

“I am going to die at the age of 25.” She said it so casually, but her eyes held great pain. I felt my heart breaking instantly.


“I had always told myself I would fall in love, and experience the little happiness that came with it, before I died.” She smiled bitterly. “But when I met Logan, I couldn’t imagine coming into his life, and just leaving him when we were probably at the peak of our happiness. He was just too wonderful to be hurt in such a way.” A lone tear dropped.

“Did you ever tell him this?”

“No.” She shook her head.

“Oh, Isla.” I let my tears drop freely as we hugged each other again. We stayed that way for a while, before pulling away. “How old are you now?” I blurted.

“Twenty-fucking-five.” She whispered, and my heart went still.

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