A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



The moment I closed the door behind me, I released a frown. He was already dressed in his night clothes, yet, smelled of Heather. It was clear that they were spending the night together. That alone, made this reasonable gesture of his, weigh so little in my mind. How could he keep on disrespecting me this way? Should I just give up already?

‘Noooo!’ My wolf howled in my head. ‘He is our mate, we just cannot give up on him so easily. I know he is proving difficult, but let’s push a little more.’ She begged, making me release a sigh. Fine then.

I went back to bed and thought about everything that had happened in the last couple of days. Isla had just shown up and taken the blame, without saying why she did. I planned speaking with her after lunch yesterday, but she was quick to disappear before I realized it. Tonight was no different. She had completely avoided coming down for dinner. I know she may have hurt me, but her ability to come forward and admit to her wrong, made her a good person. I really needed to talk to her. I wanted to know why exactly she…..

‘Let’s go to her room then’. My wolf interrupted my thoughts, and I felt it was a great idea.

‘But I don’t know her room’.

‘Then ask around’.

I quickly thought of who could have an idea what room she stayed, and Layla came to mind. I tried mindlinking Layla a couple of times, and she finally let me through.

‘Layla, please I need your help’.

‘Audrey. Are you alright?’ She asked, and I nodded, forgetting she couldn’t see me.

‘Yes, yes!’ I rushed out. ‘I just want to know if you could show me to Isla’s room’. She went silent for a moment. ‘Please Layla. I just want to talk, that’s all’.

‘Fine. I would take you to there tomorrow…’

‘No no no! I want to speak with her tonight please’.

‘Audreeeeyyy…’ She groaned. ‘Fine. I would be in your chambers within the next couple of minutes.’

‘Thank you!’

True to her word, Layla showed up in my room some minutes later, covered in her night robe.

“I’m so sorry for stressing you out, Layla.”

“It’s fine.” She sighed. “Let’s get going already.” She took my hand in hers and led me out of the room. We made our way through the hallway and took another turn, entering a different hallway. When we got to the extreme end, Layla pointed to the room by the left, and walked away. I truly appreciated the fact that she was giving me the privacy I needed with Isla. I was about knocking on the door, when it was pulled open from inside.

Isla stepped out and was very shocked to see me.

“Isla.” I sighed. “Please don’t turn away from me. Can we talk?”

“But I can’t.” She whispered, looking down.

“Why?” I asked, and she went silent.

“I feel ashamed to look at you, after humiliating you and almost putting you into trouble.” She finally said.

“Exactly the reason why I have to talk to you.” I explained. “Why did you do so? Why do you hate me?” I asked, pushing my way through the door and entering inside her room, not caring if she didn’t want me to.

“I don’t hate you.” She turned to me and slammed the door shut behind her. Her response elicited a grunt from me. “Fine! Hate is such a strong word, I dislike you. Disliked.” She corrected herself.

“Past tense.” I muttered, and she nodded. “Why did you even dislike me in the first place? Because you want Logan?”

“Trust me, if I wanted Logan, I would have claimed him years back.”

“But you love him.” I insisted, and she gave a shrug.

“I don’t love him in the way you think. But I do love him very very much. So much that it pisses me off, when I see him hurt or making a mistake.”

“So, I am his mistake?”

“No. Heather is. But you are the one who hurt him so badly years back.”

“Things are different now.” I sighed, hoping she would understand. “I never meant to hurt him. Everything that happened betwen Logan and I was…. beyond my control.”Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

“But you cheated on him.” She shot back.

“I never did.” I shook my head slowly. Her eyes remained fixed on me, before they widened slightly.

“You’re not lying.” She muttered.

“You can tell when I’m lying?” She had the same ability as Rosa.

“It’s a witch thing.” She smiled. “But I can’t believe this. If you didn’t cheat on him, then what happened?”

“Isla, it’s a complicated story. But I really do not wish to speak on it.”

“Fine.” She nodded. “Why haven’t you told him?”

“Told him what?”

“That he made a mistake. That you never cheated.”

“I did.” I gave a sad smile. “But he just didn’t believe me.”

“Audrey.” She sighed. “I really do not know what may have happened years back, but the sad emotions you’re emitting right now, are so heavy.”

“I’ll be fine.” I managed a small smile. “So why do you say Heather is his mistake?” I asked, and she seemed to be deep in thoughts.

“3 years back, I made Logan have sex for the first time, after he rejected you.” She confessed. “And you shouldn’t feel threatened in anyway. The sex was just for the pleasure, nothing more. And over the years, we bonded with each other so well.” She seemed lost for a moment, before going on with her narration. “2 years ago, Heather showed up to the royal moon pack, and became a part of the army. She never liked me because obviously, Logan and I were shagging, and she liked him.”

“Okayyy.” I continued to pay attention.

“But that wasn’t even it. Every time I am close to Heather, I never feel a positive energy.”

“You already said it, she doesn’t like you.” I reasoned.

“No Audrey. It’s not just that. She has this bad karma lurking around her. I can’t really tell if the karma is after her, or if she is the karma herself.”

“Is that why you think she’s a mistake for Logan?” I asked.

“I mean, asides that, you’re Logan’s true mate, so it’s only right that she lets him go. And he also has to do away with his guilt and let her go.”

“But you never really liked me.”

“That’s because I thought you were back to bring him more pain. Logan is a gooood guy. He doesn’t deserve to be hurt again. But now that I have spent just a few weeks in this palace, I have started to see you for who you truly are. That was the reason why I felt so guilty after doing what I did.”


“Don’t thank me.” She cut me off. “Logan deserves everything good.”

“Okay.” I nodded slowly, a look of appreciation in my eyes. “Did you ever really love him? Even for a moment? Like, ‘love’.”

“I wouldn’t lie to you, Audrey.” She brushed her hand through her hair. “Yes, I did.” She admitted. “You just can’t help but fall in love with him. He’s really sweet.” At the sound of that, my face fell. “When he isn’t blinded with rage, and being held back by his inability to let go of hurt.” She quickly added. “That is typical for most vampires though. They love hard and hate hard. Thankfully, his wolf side kinda tones that down.”

“It doesn’t feel toned down with me.” I muttered sadly, and she held my hand.

“Trust me Audrey, I would have made Logan mine. But I just couldn’t.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Reasons best known to me.” She muttered, and I nodded in understanding. “I know you are thinking of giving up on him, but please don’t. The moon goddess and Hecate, definitely have a reason for bringing you both together. I would also have a talk with him. He can’t keep messing things up, and still expect you to do all the work.”



I had woken up extremely late today, so I didn’t really think going out for training was necessary. I was going to stay back and read a book instead.

I just had a long bathe, and was about wearing my dress, when I heard a knock on my door. I threw on my gown, and quickly went to get it. I opened the door to see a very worried Katherine. What was wrong?

“Chief!” She rushed out.

“Katherine, what is it?” I asked.

“You woke up so late!”

“I know! I’m sorry. What’s going on?”

“It’s Dalia.”

“What’s with her?” My forehead folded into creases.

“She…. she…” She paused and swallowed hard. “She hit miss Heather.” She finally let it out, and my eyes went wide.

“How? Why?” I asked in shock, and Katherine pouted in annoyance.

“Miss Heather said nasty and terrible things about you during training. She even said you were a harlot, and that was when Dalia couldn’t take it anymore.”

Oh fuck!

“Where is Dalia now?”

“In the king’s study. I think Dalia might be seriously punished.” Katherine muttered in worry. Ohhhh, goddess! I was having it up to my neck with that Heather woman.

Not able to pack my hair into my usual ponytail, I left it down and locked my room, heading to Logan’s study. The moment we got to the study, I pushed open the door without even bothering to knock. There in the middle of them all, was Dalia on her knees. Denver and Marcus were present, looking so bothered. Heather on the other hand, continued to glare at Dalia.

Before I could even hold back, I made my way to Heather and landed a clean slap on her face.

“Don’t push me!!!” I growled, leaving her extremely baffled.

“Audrey! What the hell are you….”

“Shut the fuck up, Logan!” I rushed out before I could think my words through. I know I promised to myself to be more patient with him, but I just couldn’t take it anymore. Especially not with my soldiers. They were like my children!! “Dalia, rise!!” I ordered, and she looked between me and Logan, unsure of what to do.

‘Audrey, please calm down’. Denver whispered through our mindlink, but I aggressively blocked him off.

“Logan, did you see what she just did to me?!” Heather cried out, one side of her cheeks extremely red.

“Call my mate one more time and I swear, both sides of your face would be inflamed.” I warned.

“The rest of you, leave!!” Logan blew out in anger. “Now!” He yelled again, and they all moved out in a file. Once the door was closed behind them, he turned to me.

“How dare you?” He asked. I wasn’t going to stand down now. “How dare you humiliate me in front of my subordinates?”

“Logan, they are my soldiers! I wouldn’t let you treat them unfairly, just because your girlfriend asked you to!”

“She disrespected Heather.”

“And did you care to confirm the story?” I asked. “Heather called me a harlot! And Dalia couldn’t take such an insult.”

“Is it really an insult?” He asked, and I lost it. The next thing I knew, my palm was hitting his cheek.

Oh, goddess. Oh, no.

He turned his face back to me, and I went still in my position, when I saw his eye color flicker between his normal sea blue, and black. Oh goddess, Did I just provoke his beast?!

I started to move backwards, so much horror filling my mind. I had never ever imagined fighting with Logan this way. He followed me in predatory steps, his furs beginning to appear slowly. Fuck.

I didn’t know what to do. Was I supposed to scream for help or…..? Before I knew what was happening, he was coming at me in full speed and hitting my back to the book shelf behind me.

“Logan please.” I whispered, tears in my eyes, and he suddenly calmed down. I could see his furs disappearing, and his eyes returned to it original sea blue colour. “Logan.” I whispered again, but didn’t expect what he did next.

He grabbed my neck and smashed his lips against mine. I was too shocked to even move my lips against his.

My wolf began to jump in my head, and I finally realized it was really happening. My hands cupped his face immediately, responding to his hungry kisses as best as I could. I didn’t want to miss out on this moment, incase it didn’t last long. But then, how did we get here?

He seemed quite in a hurry, because the next minute, he was sucking on my neck as his hand roamed all over my body.

“You aggravating woman. I would teach you a good lesson.” He growled into my ear, while I panted so fast. I was still trying to get used to his fast pace, when he carried me effortlessly, and dropped me on the middle of his work desk. I looked up at him, surprised at how quickly things were getting escalated.

One minute, I heard Logan’s zip go down, and the next minute, his hand was reaching under my dress and tearing my panties.

“Don’t make a sound.” He warned.

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