A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



“Rosa?” I called out, feeling ecstatic for the day ahead.

“Good morning to you too!” She grinned, busy scooping the meal she had just made, into a plate. She didn’t even bother to look up at me. “Come, eat something before you leave.”

“Rosa, you don’t always have to do this.” I sighed. “I can cook too. You don’t need to stress yourself…”

“You’re yet to be dressed?” She cut me off in suprise, when she finally looked up at me.

“Training isn’t until noon today. And stop avoiding this conversation.”

“I’m not avoiding any conversation. I’m yours…..” She sighed. “I will do anything to ensure you’re comfortable.” She added. Goddess! What was I going to do with this woman? Meanwhile, why was I perceiving some completely different scents in this house? “And as for training by noon, I guess you were too concerned about the fact that I was cooking a thousandth time for you, that you failed to notice you have guests.”

“Dalia and who else?” I muttered, not bothering to turn towards the living room. I knew it just had to be her.

“Morning, Chief!!” Okayyyy, that sounded like a crowd. Eventually, I turned to meet the faces of 5 soldiers.

“Good morning girls…. and boys.” I added. “I assumed I would be given the liberty to have a good rest today, considering I almost lost a finger in the unusual attack we survived yesterday. Why aren’t you all at home?”

“Alpha Denver sent us to you, chief.” Dalia informed, making me squint my eyes in confusion.

“Since whe…..” I paused. “Denver doesn’t pass his message through others. He could as well come here by himself, or mindlink me.” I said, sensing something wasn’t right.

“He insisted we escort you to the pack house.” Dalia replied.

“Is everything ok….”

“Okay, I can’t hold this in anymore.” One of the other female soldiers; Katrina, cut me off.

“Hold what in?” I asked, my heartbeat accelerating.

“The king is here!” She announced.

“The king?” Rosa and I asked at the same time, but I guessed her voice overshadowed mine. I literally sounded like a confused person. My mind was raving with thoughts. Thoughts like, ‘What was he suddenly doing here?’, ‘Was he really here?’, ‘Why did Denver ask the soldiers to escort me to the pack house?’, ‘Was something wrong?’.

“What is the king doing here?” Rosa asked.

“He found his mate.” Katrina’s response made me feel like my heart was going to give away the next second. It literally fell down down down my belly, with a loud thud that somehow resonated in my head. Oh goddess!

‘Oh no!’ My wolf suddenly went alert, making my head feel dizzy for a second. It was official. I was gonna be alone forever. Breathing suddenly became hard, and I started to feel my ears go hot as tears stung my eyes.

“What the hell, Katrina!” Dalia yelled out in annoyance.

“What did I do?” She muttered in fear, looking at me, who probably looked as pale as sheet.

“You gave her a wrong information!” Lucas, one of the male soldiers, shot back.

“But how! It is the truth.” Katrina insisted. “The king has found his mate. After soooo long.” She added, making my heart lurch in greater pain.

“The former king, you gossip!” Dalia glared. Just then, I felt the heat rush from my face, down to my hands. What was really going on?

“But he is still a king, isn’t he?” Katrina shrugged.

“He is the king’s father!” Lucas yelled in exasperation.

“Goddess.” Rosa exhaled behind me, clearly disturbed by the drama that had just taken place. “So who the hell is visiting the pack? The king or his father?!”

“The king.” Katrina rushed out, before realizing herself. “Sorry, his father.” She corrected.

“The king’s father is currently at the pack house, chief.” Dalia informed.

“Why is he visiting? Because he found his mate?” Rosa asked, sounding irritated.

“Maybe…” Katrina shrugged.

“How does that make any sense?” Rosa spat. Actually, how did that make any sense? Taking a deep breathe and recovering from my ‘almost’ heart attack, I turned and started making my way upstairs.

I was already figuring out a lot of things on my mind.

“Chief! Where are you going?” Dalia queried.

“To put on some clothes.” I replied, still on my way up. “We leave for the pack house in 10 minutes.” I informed, before disappearing into my room.

Thankfully, I already had my bath this morning, so all I just had to do was dress up. I rushed through my clothes and picked a thick pair of cargo pants, a tank top, and a black leather jacket.

I was certainly going to the training ground after leaving the pack house. So I needed to wear something that I could easily train in, and would also not look too shabby to greet the king in.

Moreover, my dressing would be the least of the king’s problems, seeing as there was a bigger problem in the picture. No one had to tell me that there was a problem, I knew already. First of all, Denver had sent for me, not even bothering to give me heads up about the king’s sudden arrival, through our mindlink.

It simply meant that whatever reason the king had given for his unexpected visit, was one that required I be physically present to discuss.

Secondly, If the king had really found his mate, then the last thing he should be doing was travel around without her, especially when our pack territories were no longer safe.

Only last week, more than 8 different packs had been ambushed by rogues. Many soldiers were reported dead, and one of the packs had even lost their Gamma, in the cause of fighting off these rogues.

Our own attack had happened yesterday, and as usual, my soldiers were very ready. A few soldiers did sustain serious injuries, but none was lost. I was very thankful to the moon goddess, because I couldn’t even begin to imagine how hurt I’d be, if anyone of them died. They had all become like family to me…. and Rosa.

We did receive information that the Logan and his Beta, had been paying quiet visits to the affected packs, and some other unaffected packs these past few days.

Now, coincidentally, his father was visiting us today, just after the attack on our pack yesterday. Something was off here, but I just couldn’t place my hand on it. All I could do for now, was get to the pack house as soon as I could.

Immediately I was done dressing up, I rushed down the stairs and they stood up the moment they noticed my presence.

“Wouldn’t you be having any food before you leave?” Came Rosa’s voice from the kitchen.

“I promise to eat when I return.” I yelled out my response.

‘Something isn’t right’. I spoke to her through our mindlink.

‘I thought as much. Please be safe’.

‘I will’.

“Gomez?” I asked. Gomez was my second in command.

“He is at the pack house already.” Lucas filled me in.

“Great. Let’s go.”

We got to the pack house about 15 minutes later, and the whole place was quiet as a graveyard. That was weird. I had expected the teens to be in the courtyard, playing around and probably even talking about the king’s presence in the pack.

“This courtyard is empty?” I muttered.

“It actually was, when Alpha had sent for us this morning. I guess the children were asked to remain home today.” Dalia explained.

“Hmmm… I see.” I muttered.

The king’s father hadn’t arrived here today. He had been here since last night. That was the only way Denver could have been able to successfully spread word on time, not to let the children or pack members visit the pack house today. That simply meant one thing. The king’s father wasn’t here because of the attack yesterday. Initially, I felt he was too quick to have shown up at our pack after the crisis, considering the fact it was only yesterday. Now it all made sense. He didn’t come here because of the attack, he already had prior plans to be here. It just coincidentally happened to be, that he arrived here just after the incidence.

“So you mean to say, that the other soldiers aren’t aware the king is around?” I asked.

“I guess so, because we were the only ones invited to the pack house this morning.”

“Interesting indeed.” I muttered. “Let’s go in.”

We walked to the entrance of the pack house, when two guards blocked us off with their swords.

“Apologies, Gamma.” They muttered, when they realized it was me.

“No offense taken.” I replied, my senses on alert as I scanned the entire place.

“The soldiers would have to wait behind at the courtyard, while you join the king’s father and Alpha Denver at the council room.” The council room, not the study? That means, this wasn’t just a simple discussion amongst the king’s father, Denver, me, and probably Gomez. There were more people joining us.

“Are the pack elders here as well?” I asked, and he nodded in response. There was trouble indeed.

I quickly made my way in, and headed towards the council room. As I approached the room, I noticed two royal guards stationed there.

“Gamma Audrey Chadwick.” I introduced myself, and they bowed slightly.

“They are all waiting for you inside, chief.” They stepped aside for me to walk in.

“Thank you.” I muttered, and made my way in.

The moment the doors closed behind me, all eyes fell on me. My eyes searched the room for Denver, but it fell on the familiar figure of King Xavier first.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Your majesty.” I bowed in respect.

“Audreeeyyyy….” He smiled at me. It wasn’t really the response I was expecting, considering how things had ended between his son and I.

I had always wondered why the man decided to make me the chief commander of my pack, knowing Logan was definitely not going to be happy about it. I still didn’t know why he did, but I was grateful to him. These past few years had taught me a lot of lessons, helped me really find myself, and made me stronger.

‘You didn’t personally send for me, why?’ I mindlinked Denver, whom was sitting beside King Xavier.

‘I’m sorry, but it isn’t something that should be discussed through our mindlink’.

‘Tell me we are in trouble’. I muttered.

“Please have your seat, my dear girl.” King Xavier pointed to the seat beside Denver, and I went to it immediately. “I know you all are wondering why I have suddenly visited.” He said, and the elders murmured amongst themselves.

“Indeed, your majesty. Though most of us think you are here to enquire about the rogue attack against our pack yesterday. We are indeed, humbled by your presence.” One of the elders replied.

“Trust me, it is only a mere coincidence that I showed up here just after the attack on your pack. I have planned this visit for days. There is a great trouble coming upon us, and we all have to put heads together with other supernaturals, to fight the common enemy.”

I could feel the hairs on my skin standing. This was no random talk, there was a serious problem! And what did he mean when he said ‘other supernaturals’?

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