A Second Chance With My Tribrid Alpha King



I opened my eyes and released a tired sigh. I just woke up from my sleep, but it didn’t feel like I had rested at all. Instead, my whole body felt cramped and exhausted, and it was all thanks to this barely comfortable couch I had been sleeping on, for days now. Call me pathetic or weak for letting her treat me this way, but I would call it patience. I would call it endurance. I really wanted things to work out between us, and if sleeping on the couch would make her happy, I would do so.

And no, I wasn’t begging for love. I was simply trying to make things work out with the one person the moon goddess thought was best for me.

I looked at the bed to see her fully awake, but unaware of my consciousness. She seemed to be lost in thoughts of her own. I stood up from the couch and tried to crack a stiff bone in my neck. While at it, she eventually noticed my presence.

“Good morning.” I managed a small smile, expecting her usual silent response, which she didn’t fail to give me. Releasing a low sigh, I walked to the wardrobe and picked out some fresh sets of clothes. Taking them with me into the bathroom, I proceeded to take my bath and changed into the fresh clothes there.

Once I was done changing, I walked out of the bathroom and decided to get busy with some paperworks my father had asked me to review. I settled down on the couch and began flipping from page to page. At some point, I found myself frowning as a result of the uncomfortable feeling my stiff neck gave me. I tried cracking the bones there multiple times, but still didn’t feel relieved.

“Just a few days on the couch, and you already have a cramp?” Audrey suddenly asked. She was clearly mocking me, not sounding a tad bit remorseful for making me lay on that couch for several consecutive nights now.

I wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of a reply. I remained silent, paying total attention to the file I had in my hands.

“I get it. You were too weak to handle a few naps on the couch.” She said again, and that was when I realized she was trying to rile me up. She was purposely trying to annoy me. That was definitely the only reason why Audrey would talk to me. The next minute, she hopped down the bed and walked towards the vanity. I wasn’t sure what she was doing, since I had my head down.

“I heard that was why your mommy left. Because you were too weak and she couldn’t stand you.” The moment she said that, I felt my whole world go still. I looked at her and saw the sly grin she wore. I couldn’t explain the kind of anger I felt in that moment. Before I could calculate my next form of action, all the papers in the file I was holding, flew in several directions across the room. I headed towards her in blind rage but sadly, I couldn’t do a thing when I got to her. I would never hit a woman. More so, my mate. So all I could do was let my anger consume me greedily.

But then, no matter how much I tried to hold it all in, I couldn’t. I needed something to transfer this rage onto. To make matters worse, her scent filtered its way into my nostrils, making my senses somewhat discombobulated. Having no other option, I punched my fist against the vanity mirror just behind her. I could tell that my actions had come as a great shock to her, while she stared at me with eyes wide open. She had to know that I was not a pushover. I was only trying my best to understand and tolerate her.

Taking a few steps away from her, I finally walked out of the room. I wondered where I could go, to avoid attention, then suddenly thought of somewhere. It was still too early for my sister to be in her gallery.

I only discovered how wrong I was, when I got to the gallery.

“Logan!” Layla yelled in excitement, the moment she saw me. I wasn’t suprised to see Liam there as well. She was slowly turning him into a lover of arts, just like herself. Immediately she noticed my injured hand, the smile on her face was quickly replaced with worry. She threw away the painting brush she had been holding, and rushed towards me. “Goddess! What happened to you?” She took my bleeding hand into hers, so gently. Her tenderness towards me only made me scoff.Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m not a baby, Layla.” I sighed, pulling my hand away from hers. “I can handle myself.”

“Clearly.” She muttered underneath her breathe, and I didn’t miss the sarcasm laced in her voice. “What happened to you?” She asked again. I looked at Liam who sat still on the stool he had been on, since I walked in. Judging from how unfazed he seemed when we locked gazes, I could tell he had an idea as to what happened.

“What did she do?” He simply asked.

“Oh no!” Layla’s voice went an octave lower, as understanding slowly descended upon her. “What did she do?”

“The question should be, ‘what did she say?’.” I muttered.

The moment I said that, I realized I had made a mistake. The last thing I should be doing, was discussing I and Audrey’s issues, with third parties. Moreover, I didn’t want Layla to start hating her.

“What did she say?” Layla queried, and I simply shrugged my shoulders.

“Nothing enough to make me hurt myself this way.” I lied, before making my way through the many canvases in the room, and heading towards the restroom. When I got there, I washed my hand in the sink thoroughly, and once I was done, I looked at my reflection on the mirror just above the sink. I released a sigh when I noticed the dark circles under my eyes. I was so stressed out, and it was all thanks to my mate.

I guess I was more hurt due to the fact that I had always imagined my mate to be a companion. Someone who shared in my pains. Never had I imagined she would be the type to make jest of my emotional weaknesses.

I walked out to meet Layla and Liam conversing in hushed tones about whatever, and I was so sure that ‘whatever’ was me. Right now, I was more concerned about getting a good nap.

“Layla, could I use your chambers for a nap?”

“Of course, why not?” She rushed out.

I started walking out of the gallery when she called my attention. “But be careful as not to miss out on the hunt game today.”

Wait a minute? What day was it? Definitely the 10th day of the month! How could I have forgotten?

“Sure. I would be up before then.” I sighed lightly, before making my way out. The journey to Layla’s room was a short one, and I may have been a little tempted to step inside my chambers and tell Audrey I was sorry for losing my temper earlier on. But on the other hand, I decided not to. She was the one who wronged me, and was supposed to apologize instead. I still couldn’t believe she could say such hurtful things to me.

Deep down, I knew she wasn’t going to apologize. I wasn’t even sure she felt remorseful. She must have been shocked at my reaction, but she wasn’t remorseful.

I continued on my way to Layla’s room and when I got there, I fell onto her bed and slept off.



“Logan!” Layla whisper~yelled into my ears, making my eyes flutter open.

“Layla.” I called out with my groggy voice, not appreciating the fact that she disturbed my rest. “What is it?”

“What it is?! You have slept for hours, but now you have to wake up and assemble on the game field with the rest of us! It’s time for the hunt game, and you are keeping every other person’s waiting.”

“Oh???” I sighed tiredly.

“Yes! The Queen has taken the liberty to insinuate how nonchalant and disrespectful you are towards her and father’s authority. Get up already.”

Releasing another frustrated sigh, I pulled myself off the bed. This was the closest to a decent sleep I’ve had in days. I lazily walked out of her room, with her following me behind like a nanny. Slowly the sleep disappeared from my eyes, and I rushed into my chambers for a change of clothing. After I was done, I joined Layla and we went to the game field.

True to her word, everyone was there already, most certainly waiting for me to arrive.

“They should have just carried on without me.” I muttered. Layla shot me a glare, making me chuckle.

We finally got to the rest of the party, and I wasn’t surprised to see Audrey there. She was my mate and wife, which automatically makes her a part of the royal family now. Sebastian and his mother looked very eager to behead me though.

“It’s always the irrelevant ones, keeping others waiting.” Sebastian muttered, but we all heard him. I was already so used to his disrespectful behavior. Sebastian was like a pig. Fighting with him would only make you drag yourself in the mud, so I remained quiet.

“The crown prince, you mean?” Layla shot back.

“Don’t indulge him, Layla.” I sighed. “You know how he gets.” I whispered into her ear.

“Sebastian, I wouldn’t have you disrespect your brother. You should apologize to him right now.” Father intervened.

“I don’t need his apology, father.” I waved it off. The whole place fell into silence for a while, until father spoke up.

“Let’s get on with it, shall we?” He grinned widely. This was his favourite thing to do every month, as long as I could remember. “Today, we would all go in pairs.” He annouced. Oh wow.

“Sebastian would go with the Queen. I would go with Beta Justin. Layla and Liam would go together, while Audrey goes with her mate.” Instantly, my eyes fell on Audrey, who was actually looking at me already. No one had to tell me this would be a very weird adventure for me. Nonetheless, I walked up to her and acted normal, in a bid to avoid anyone noticing we had issues.

“Do you know how to use this?” I raised the bow and pot of arrows I had carried from the middle of the field, on my way to her.

“Sure.” She muttered, looking at me and taking her eyes off, almost immediately.

I handed the bow to her, while trying to latch the pot of arrows around her waist. I could feel her stiffen, as my hand slightly brushed her belly, through her riding habit. Once I was done putting it in place, I pulled away and got busy latching my own arrows around my waist.

“As usual, the first to shoot down a deer and bring it to the games field, wins the game. Let the best man win!” Father yelled in excitement, and we joined in.

Afterwards, everyone walked away from the game field, heading into the thicker parts of our land. We all went in different directions in our pairs.

I had mostly been the one who won our hunting games, so it was fair enough to say that I understood this forest like the back of my palms, and I knew for a fact that deers lurked around the east side of the forest, than any other area.

Being wolfless had made me take every other life skill seriously. I had dedicated my time in learning archery and sword fighting. That way, I could stand a chance against my enemy, when in danger.

All the while, Audrey had silently followed me, not saying a single word. In a way, it was starting to get weird.

“Let’s take this way. It’s easier to see those creatures around this side of the forest.” I said, trying to strike up a conversation.

“Okay.” She whispered in a tone so low, that I almost didn’t get her. She followed me behind as I led the way. Midway through, I saw just the animal we were looking for. “That’s….!”

“Shhh…” I whispered, cutting her short. “You would scare it away when you’re so loud.” I explained, to which she nodded in understanding. I turned back to realize the deer was gone. Like completely gone. I didn’t see it running in any direction, and that was weird. How could it have just…..

My thoughts were cut short when a creature zoom passed me in such crazy speed.

What the hell?! No one had to tell me what that creature was. It was a werewolf. A rogue wolf, and I couldn’t understand how it had gained access through our perimeters. Something was definitely wrong, but most of all, we weren’t safe!

“Did you see that?” Audrey whispered behind me, and just as I turned to give her a response, I saw it. I saw the horrid looking wolf, making its way towards her from behind. Fuck!

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