A One Night Stand With Mr. Goldman

He has developed feelings for me

Laurel POV When I told Tiara how I felt about her, I could finally see myself calming down.

Even though she didn’t believe me, I was happy she did at least allow me to prove to her how much I loved her.

I must say thanks to Allen. Because he helped me understand my feelings for Tiara.

If not, I wouldn’t have ever known that I loved her.

Today was another day and I can’t wait to spend the day with Tiara even though I have to go to the office.

I will pass, so I can have this time with my wife and unborn baby.Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

After I was done freshening up, I came out of the bathroom with a bathrobe around my waist, walked to the closet, took out my outfit, put it on and walked out of the closet.

While Tiara was still asleep.

I walked out of the room to the kitchen.

Where I met one of the maids making breakfast.

Good morning sir. She said

Good morning Noella.

What are you making for breakfast today? I asked her.

Sir, bread and fried eggs. Noella answered.

Alright, it seems like you have made some already. I asked her

Yes, I have and I am almost done. After that, two more eggs to fry and that’s all. Noella answered.

Alright, Noella. I will take this one you have fried and the others.

Please call my dad down for breakfast and tell him I will join him soon. I said to Noella.

Alright, sir, I will do just that. Noella said

I walked out of the kitchen with the tray of food in my hand. And walked upstairs to my room, and I was still sleeping.

I kept the straw of food on the table beside the headboard and bent down and pecked her forehead and her lips and she turned.

I never knew pregnant women had slept a lot.

But I didn’t board because it was almost 9 am, and she had to go to the hospital.

I went to the other side of the bed and pecked her lips.

Laurel, please will you let me sleep? She said and turned back to the other side of the bed.

Tia, it is morning already.

You need to wake up. I said and went to the other side of the bed.

Give me 5 more minutes and I promise to get up. She said.

Oh, God, this girl won’t kill me.

Which one is 5 more minutes to sleep? I asked myself.

I bent down close to her ears and said,

Tia, it is almost 9 am. When I said that, she immediately got up from bed.

Good morning. I greeted her.

Good morning. Are you sure it is almost 9 am? She asked. Yeah, you can check the time on your phone. I said and when she checked her time she shouted.

Laurel, you are wicked. Why didn’t you wake me up?

Have you forgotten who woke you up?

I was the person who woke you up.

So how can you ask me why I didn’t wake you up?

I asked her but she was quiet.

By the way, I brought you breakfast.

Here it is. I said to her.

Wow, thanks so much. She said

Do you want me to meet you? I asked her.

There is no way I will eat when I haven’t brushed my mouth. She said got up from bed and went to the bathroom.

Tiara, please don’t waste time. If not, the food will get cool. I said to her.

Don’t worry, I won’t waste time.

And I think you should use this time to bring your breakfast, so we can eat together. She said from the bathroom.

Wow! She is right. If we both eat together. We will go early, but if I have to wait for her to eat, then I eat. Then that would be me wasting time.

Alright, I am going downstairs to bring my food. I said, placed her food back on the table, and walked outside the room.

When I got downstairs, Noella was already done making the breakfast, and it was already on the dining table and my dad was also there.

Good morning Dad.

Good morning son.

How was your night? My Dad asked.

I am fine dad, and you?

I am doing great. So where are you able to fix things with your wife? My Dad asked

Yes, Dad. We fixed our problems yesterday and I also used that moment to finally confess my feelings for her.

And what did she say?

Dad, she told me she didn’t believe me.

And I don’t blame her, because if I was the person I wouldn’t believe in myself either.

Because I told her about my feelings the same day my stepbrother expressed his feelings for her.

So, for her, she thinks it is a competition that is going on, and it is because of the fact my brother expresses his feelings first, so I don’t want to let him win.

But I have taken it upon myself to show her how much I love her without telling her.

I know it will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

So I am ready to do it. Without complaining.

Don’t worry son, I know you will be able to capture her heart.

Even though it is not the same thing as capturing people’s businesses, if you can do that, then I know with just a little more hard work you will get her to love you.

Thanks so much, Dad.

It is for nothing. You are my son. If I don’t support you or advise you, who will I advise?

Come sit down and join me for breakfast.

Thanks, Dad, but no, thanks. I would love to have my breakfast with my wife in the room.

You see the lover boy. It has been a long I saw you do this, and I am so happy for you. Keep it up. My dad said

Thanks, Dad. I said, and I took my breakfast from the dining table.

Where is your wife’s breakfast or will you both eat that small one together? My Dad asked

Dad, you don’t need to worry about her breakfast is already in her room.

Alright, dear. You are free to go now.

By the way Dad, I would love to inform you that I won’t be going to the office today because Tiara and I will be going to the hospital for her check-up.

And, Dad, today, the doctor will inform us about the sex of the baby.

Wow, she is already 6 months gone already? My dad asked

Yes, Dad, she is 6 months pregnant.

How time flies. Very soon we will be hearing the cry of a baby in this house.

Yeah, your first grandchild.

I can’t wait

Same here dad, I can’t wait to be a dad.

~~“Tiara Pov

When Laurel called me all those names I felt very angry and stupid.

Because if, indeed, I was from a rich family, I wouldn’t have come here.

I am looking for the father of my baby and all this won’t happen.

And to think I have started liking him, but now I will never make that mistake again to fall for him.

I took my taxi and the driver took me back home and I stepped out of the car which was beside the gate.

I paid the taxi driver and knocked on the door and a few minutes later the gateman came and opened the gate which I entered inside.

At first, I used to wonder why people would open the gate without finding out who it was.

But now that I have been living in this Mansion I know better which is all because there is a camera out that records all those who are standing outside, so whenever you stand outside to knock on the gate or horn on your car, the camera shows who is doing that.

But right now, this is not my problem.

After I walked inside, most of the guards were wondering what was wrong with me because they greeted me.

I didn’t answer because I was not in a good mood.

They have never seen me like that before, and I am sure that is one of the reasons why they are surprised.

But that has nothing to do with me. I just can’t believe that the boss is this heartless.

I walked inside the house, and I was greeted by Tiara’s dad.

Tiara, are you okay? He asked. Yes, Dad, I am fine. I am just tired of it all.

Alright dear, why don’t you go take a rest? It is good for you and my grandchild.

Thanks, Dad. I said and walked towards the stairs. I was about to climb the stairs when he asked me a question.

Tiara, hold on. You went out with Laurel, right?

Yes, Dad, we did go out together.

Then where the hell? Is he, and why didn’t you come back with him?

Dad, that I don’t want to talk about, but all I can tell you right now is that I am sure he is on his way home.

Tiara, listen to me.

He is my son. That is not a problem.

But you are my daughter and, at the same time, you are my daughter-in-law.

Laurel might be my legal child, but I see you as that daughter I never had.

So dear don’t let your problem with Laurel spoil this beautiful father-and-daughter bond we share. So dear, please talk to me. Laurel’s father asked

Dad, your son still sees me as a prostitute who is with him because of his money. I said to him

What happened, and why did he say that?

After we went to the prison, Allen said in front of our faces that he loved me.


Yes Dad, Allen confessed his feelings for me and that got him so angry that he pouched Allen’s face and pulled me outside.

When we got outside, I tried calming him down, but he didn’t listen.

And all he kept telling me was that I was a prostitute.

Saying he didn’t know how I got entangled with him, and he accepted the baby because he discovered that I needed a good life and that is why he granted my request, since he is a good man.

My dear, I am so sorry for my son’s words. That is how he is.

He becomes rude whenever he is angry.

And he comes back to his senses when he is calm, and he starts regretting it.

I have warned him so many times to learn how to calm his anger, but no, he doesn’t listen.

The only thing that makes me happy when it comes to him is the fact that he doesn’t treat people again like we are all his business rivals.

Alright, Dad.

Please, I would like to go to my room right now.

I am exhausted. Alright dear you go ahead, I will be here waiting for my son. Okay, Dad. I said, and I walked up to my room.

When I get to my room, I change my clothes and I walk back to bed to take some rest.

But a few minutes later, my phone started ringing, and when I checked the caller ID,

It was Nick. Wow, since after the birthday it is now this guy is calling me.

I picked up the call.


Hi! Nick, what’s up?

Nothing much, so how are you doing? He asked

I am good. Very good and you

I am good too.

That’s good to hear. What about your fiancee Jane?

She is fine.

That’s nice to hear. Ever since you both left my mansion at my birthday party, you have not even called. Even to say let me call my friend nothing.

I am very sorry Tia, that is why I called today. I have been very busy.

Busy! What are you busy with?

Well, Jane and I resigned yesterday and right now we are struggling to open our restaurant.

Besides the entrance of the mansion, since it is a good commercial area.

Wow! That is good news, so which type of business do you want to open?

Restaurant business. Nick answered.

Wow! That is good news. I can’t wait for the day you will both finally open the business because my husband and I will be your first customers.

That will be great, and I can’t wait to have you both at our restaurant because that will help us publish our market. Nick said

Yeah, you are right. Answered back

Tia, guess who I met today on my way to buy some stuff for my restaurant?

Nick, we both know I am not good at that guessing stuff, so why don’t you just tell me?

Tia, try guessing and if not it won’t be fun. Nick answered.

Okay, fine, it was Caroline.

Since you told me you both have resigned, it will be difficult for you both to see her now, that is why. I asked him.

Anyhow, you tried Sha, but it was not Caroline. Nick answered.

Who is it? I asked again

Well, I met your ex-boyfriend at the place where I went to shop, and he asked me about you, but I just told him to forget about you because you are now married.

And you love your husband so much, and he loves you too, so you don’t need any distractions in your life now.

And he started begging that I should tell you that he is sorry and that he didn’t mean to cheat on you, but he did cheat on you, and he regrets it right now.

And his life with you is like an empty vessel.

Thanks so much, Nick, for telling me I don’t know what that boy wants from me.

Ever since I told him it was over, he doesn’t want to let me be.

Don’t worry, he will get tired and let you be. It is just a matter of time.

But it has been 4 months since we broke up, but still, he doesn’t want to let me be.

Don’t worry Tia, he will get tired of finding you, and he will move on with his life.

It is just a matter of time before you will see it for yourself. Don’t let it bother you.

Okay, Nick. Thanks so much. I do appreciate it.

It is for nothing.

Don’t forget you are my little sister and I will do everything possible to make you happy.

And I am very happy to have a big brother like you. I said to him,

It is nothing. Let me allow you to rest and I have some stuff to do too.

Alright. Take care, and please take good care of my friend too.

Don’t worry, I will also take care of you. Nick said and ended the call.

After the call ended, I decided to rest because, after all the drama that happened at the prison between Laurel and me.

It had already made me tired, so I needed to rest.

I fell on the bed and closed my eyes.

2 hours and 30 minutes later, I was woken up by a peck on my forehead.

When I woke up, I was surprised to see Laurel at my bedside, and he was the person who pecked my forehead.

What are you doing here? I asked him a question.

I am sorry for the way I spoke to you and when I say I regret my words I know you won’t believe me. Laurel said

Then, why are you here? I asked him

I still have to try my luck because I am very sorry.

I was just angry with the fact that Allen told you he had feelings for you.

That is not enough reason for you to disgrace me like that in front of so many people in that prison.

Just because your brother said he loved me. Have you forgotten what we have is a contract marriage, which means I am still single to mingle with any man I choose and should, in case the man wants to marry me, he just has to wait for about 4 to 5 months when I have already given birth to your baby?

Listen to me and listen to me very well.

There is no way I will let you live by my side or leave our baby and me. Laurel said in a very serious tone.

Did you just say our baby?

Have you forgotten that you refused? That this baby is not yours, and you have nothing to do with him or her, you also said you just helped me because I look like someone who needs help, so that is why you helped me.

Well, let me tell you I did need help. That is why I came to you, so after I put you to bed and the result comes out that the baby is yours, I will leave.

If you don’t need the baby, I will leave with my baby.

But trust me, after the nonsense you did out there today, I will never forgive you.

Tiara, please listen to me.

I am sorry I didn’t mean to say that to you. And you know it is not my fault.

I can’t remember when I slept with you.

Because your former colleagues at your ex-job side drugged me even when I got up the next morning.

I was alone in bed.

So I couldn’t believe I got you pregnant because, like the other girls, I would have believed the idea that the condom I wore one of the days I slept with one of them was damaged.

That is why she got pregnant, but see who came to my mansion on that day, there was a party and she told everyone at the party that I had got her pregnant, someone I have never slept with and, even when I usually visit that exclusive club, you are not always with the girls.

I sleep with you, but rather you are at your various workplaces.

And the last time I tried to sleep with you, I sent your friends to call you, so you could come join us.

You ran away.

So tell me, if you were the person, would you believe me? Laurel asked me and I was speechless.

I didn’t even know how to reply to him.

Won’t you say anything? He asked

What exactly do you want me to say to you? I asked him a question.

At least say something or do anything, because right now that you are quiet it is just making me confused and when I say I am confused, then I am not lying.

Tiara, I know you won’t believe me when I tell you this, but I am telling you the truth and nothing but the truth.

When Allen told you he loved you, I was not just angry, but I was also jealous.

Do you know why? Laurel asked.

No? I answered,

That is because I love you so much, Tiara. I know you won’t believe me, but that is the truth. I LOVE YOU TIARA

Laurel, I am sure you are joking or maybe this is your way of apologizing for what you did that day.

You don’t need to worry, I have forgiven you, so there is no need for you to say that again, because I have already forgiven you.

Tiara, I am not lying to you.

That is the truth and nothing but the truth about our situation, which is the fact that I love you.

I might not have discovered it ever since we have been together, but when Allen asked me

I have fallen in love with you at the prison, so I decided to ask myself if I have truly fallen in love with you.

I finally got my answer when I went online and asked Google how to know you love someone, and it gave some tips that have always been true in our cases.

Then I believed I loved you.

So what are some of the tips that Google told you that made you believe you love me? I asked him.

You won’t want me to name them, right? He asked me

Then how sure will I be that you truly love me and not another trick to make me forgive you, which I have already done?

Tiara, we both know if it was forgiveness. I would have left the moment you told me you had forgiven me, but you see I am still beside your bed, which means it is not only forgiveness I want also. Laurel stated.

I keep asking him this question because I still can’t believe that Laurel loves me.

Because the Laurel I know who told me to my face that he would never love someone like me is now telling me he loves me, but how come?

What changed?

That is what I have been asking myself all this while.

Laurel, please I have a question.

What changed? Why do you love me all of a sudden? I asked him what had been bothering me.

Yes, nothing changes.

Love just happened, and I am also shocked because I never thought I would ever love a lady like you.

But love occurred, and now I believe the saying that love occurs at an unexpected moment, time, and place. He said

You know what?

I don’t believe you.

All I do know is that you are afraid that your half-brother will come back and tell me he loves me.

And you don’t want it to happen again and also, because you don’t want to be a single parent, that is why you are telling me all this stuff.

Fine, if you don’t believe me, I won’t force you to believe me, but I would like you to allow me to prove my love for you.

Alright then. I will give you a chance, but let one thing be clear, if you spoil this last chance, you will be on your own.

I promise I will never give you a reason to leave me.

I promise and to start, I have decided to forgive Jane and Caroline for drugging me.

All because Jane will be getting married to your brother soon, and I don’t want you and him to fall out, since you both have been close for a long time based on my investigation.

Thanks for not calling the police on them, and I am sure Nick will be very happy.

If he is indeed serious about his feelings for me, then I will be very happy too, because I also love him, but I can’t let him know right now.

If not, he will keep disrespecting me.

I have always dreamed of having someone who truly loves me and cares for me.

And he should also be rich, and I finally got it, even with the constant family problems.

I finally had what I had been looking for, and I was very happy.

And I hope this shouldn’t be a dream, because if it is a dream I don’t want to wake up.

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