A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 34: In Danger

When the taxi finally arrived at Dave’s residence, Marisa paid the driver, thanked him, and then she stepped out. Dave’s apartment building stood tall and inviting, and she couldn’t help but feel a rush of excitement as she approached the entrance.

She came to a pause before the building’s entrance, taking a moment to inspect herself in the reflective glass of the door, ensuring every detail was perfect. With a deep breath, she gathered her composure and composed herself before raising her hand to knock.

The rap of her knuckles on the door sent a tremor of excitement coursing through her. Seconds ticked away, building the suspense as she awaited a response. And then, like the grand reveal in a dramatic tale, the door gracefully swung open, unveiling Dave on the other side. He had an handsome smile on his face that made Marisa’s heart skip a beat.

“Marisa, you look stunning,” Dave greeted her, taking her hand and leading her inside.

“Thanks.” Marisa replied with a smile as he ushered her to a black couch. Dave gracefully settled onto the couch opposite Marisa, their gazes locked in a moment of shared connection. The atmosphere in the room was charged with a mix of excitement, nervousness, and a sincere desire to reconnect. Taking a deep breath, Dave began with a heartfelt apology.

“Marisa,” he said, his voice tinged with remorse, “I owe you an apology for how I behaved yesterday. I overreacted, and I’m deeply sorry for almost yelling at you. It was unfair and uncalled for, and I truly regret letting my emotions get the better of me.”

Marisa appreciated his honesty and willingness to address the issue head-on. She nodded, her eyes softening with understanding. “I appreciate your apology, Dave,” she replied, her voice gentle. “I am also sorry for yelling at you and not telling you about.. Alejandro.”

Dave sighed with relief, grateful for her understanding. “Thank you for being so understanding, Marisa. I’m really glad you’re here tonight, and I hope we can put this behind us and enjoy our time together.”

Marisa smiled warmly, her earlier excitement rekindled. “I’m glad I’m here too, Dave. Let’s make the most of this evening and focus on the positive moments ahead.”

Dave, eager to set a positive tone for the evening, extended his hand to Marisa. “Shall we?” he asked, gesturing toward the dining room.

Marisa took his hand with a smile and allowed him to guide her into the dining room. As she entered the room, her eyes widened in surprise. The dining table was adorned with an impressive array of dishes, each one more tempting than the last. There were beautifully presented appetizers, a richly garnished main course, and an assortment of delectable desserts.

Marisa couldn’t help but be taken aback by the sight. “Dave, this is incredible,” she exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with amazement. “You really went all out for this, didn’t you?”

Dave grinned, a touch of pride in his expression. “I wanted to make tonight special and show you how much I appreciate you being here. I hope you’re ready for a culinary adventure.”

Marisa was genuinely touched by his effort and thoughtfulness. “I’m more than ready, Dave,” she replied, her heart warmed by his gesture. “This looks amazing, and I can’t wait to savor every bite.”

As they took their seats at the beautifully set table, Marisa couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and gratitude for the wonderful evening ahead, all thanks to Dave’s thoughtfulness and the surprise feast he had prepared.

The evening continued with an air of enchantment as Dave and Marisa enjoyed the feast laid out before them. The dishes were a symphony of flavors, showcasing Dave’s culinary skills.

As the meal came to a close, Dave expressed his feelings. “Marisa,” he said, his eyes locked onto hers, “tonight has been wonderful. I can’t thank you enough for being here and giving us a chance to reconnect.”NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

Marisa smiled, her heart full of gratitude. “Dave, I’ve enjoyed every moment of tonight. It means a lot to me that you put in so much effort to make this evening special.”

Dave reached across the table and took her hand, his touch gentle and affectionate. “Marisa, I really want us to move forward, to put yesterday behind us, and to continue building something beautiful together. I care about you, and I hope you can see that.”

“I…. I do, Dave.” Marisa replied with a nervous smile.

As their delightful conversation continued to flow and laughter filled the air, Dave seemed to be carrying a secret that was becoming increasingly difficult to contain. He had been waiting for the perfect moment, and as the night progressed, he felt that this was the right time to take a leap of faith.

“Wait right here, Marisa. I’ll be right back.” Dave excused himself with a gentle, somewhat nervous smile, creating an air of curiosity in the room. Marisa watched him, intrigued by his sudden departure.

Dave returned, not with dessert or wine, but with a small velvet box in his hand. His heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. He knelt down on one knee beside the table, the candlelight casting a soft, romantic glow around him.

Marisa’s eyes widened in surprise, and her heart skipped a beat as she realized what was happening. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart started racing.

Dave, feeling excited, carefully opened the velvet box and showed Marisa a beautiful ring inside. The gem on the ring sparkled in the candlelight. He looked into Marisa’s eyes and spoke with a lot of emotion.

“Marisa,” he said, his voice strong and full of sincere feelings, “I know we only met a few days ago, but the connection we have feels like it’s been there forever. I think about you all the time, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You make my life happier and more fun than it’s ever been. So, I have to ask you: will you be my girlfriend?”

Marisa’s eyes filled with happy tears, and her heart was full of different feelings. She had wanted to be in a romantic relationship with Dave, but she didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. Dave’s proposal surprised her, and she wasn’t sure how to react.

Even though it had only been a few days since they first met, a strong connection had formed between them. Maybe it was because she had been single for a long time, or maybe it was a special bond she had never felt before. She couldn’t deny that she had developed feelings for him in this short time, and she wanted to express her feelings in return.

She nodded, her voice quivering with unadulterated excitement, and said, “Yes, Dave, I would be honored to be your girlfriend.”

Dave’s hands trembled ever so slightly as he gently slid the exquisite ring onto Marisa’s finger, sealing the moment with a kiss that expressed the profound depth of their emotions. Their lips met in a tender, passionate embrace, igniting a spark that had been building between them since the day they first met. The kiss felt timeless, as if the world around them had faded into insignificance.

The seconds turned into minutes, and their kiss continued. Their hearts beat in unison, and in that shared embrace, they found a connection that went beyond words. Dave’s hand rested on Marisa’s cheek, and he caressed it with a tenderness that spoke volumes.

When they finally, reluctantly broke the kiss, they were left breathless and entranced, their eyes locked in a gaze that delved into the very essence of each other’s souls. In that moment, there was no need for words; their eyes spoke of love, devotion, and the promise of a future together.

Dave whispered, his voice filled with sincerity, “Marisa, you’ve made me the happiest person in the world today.”

Marisa, her voice equally filled with emotion, replied, “Dave, I’ve never felt such happiness in my life. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have you. I.. I love you so much, Dave.”

After the heartwarming moment of Marisa accepting Dave’s proposal to be his girlfriend, they remained locked in a tender embrace for a while.

“I’ll be right back,” Dave excused himself, leaving Marisa with a sense of anticipation for what he had in store.

Dave made his way to the elegant bar cart, which was discreetly tucked at a corner of the room. Dave then retrieved a bottle of wine to celebrate their newfound relationship.

With a skill that he had honed over time, he effortlessly removed the cork from the bottle, allowing the luxurious fragrance of the wine to waft through the room. He poured two glasses, making sure they were perfectly filled. Meanwhile, Marisa was so absorbed in admiring the ring on her finger that she didn’t notice Dave discreetly adding some mysterious substance to one of the glasses of wine.

Returning to the table, Dave held one of the glasses out to Marisa. “To us, Marisa,” he said with a loving smile, clinking his glass gently against hers.

Marisa met his gaze, her heart still aflutter from the surprise proposal, and she responded with a tender smile. “To us, Dave.”

They delicately held the crystal wineglass, taking a sip that delighted their senses. The rich, velvety flavors danced on their palate, like a symphony of taste.

As the evening went on, there was a warm and cozy feeling in the room as Dave and Marisa laughed and talked. But as time passed, Marisa started to feel strange. She got really tired, and her eyes, which were lively before, got heavy. Her words started to sound a bit funny because the wine was making her feel even sleepier.

Dave, ever the attentive partner, noticed the change in Marisa’s demeanor and expressed concern. He asked, “Marisa, are you feeling okay?” There was a sly smirk in his expression, hinting at a secret he seemed to hold.

Marisa struggled to respond through the veil of drowsiness. She managed to say, “I… I feel drowsy, Dave. Did… you add something to the wine?” Suspicion colored her words as she made a feeble attempt to keep her eyes open and focused.

Dave, maintaining his facade, responded with a show of faux concern, “No, Marisa. I didn’t add anything to it.” He wore an innocent air as he concealed any hidden agenda.

Before Marisa could speak further, the drowsiness overwhelmed her. Her eyelids fluttered shut, her head lowered to rest on the table, and her breathing became slower and more serene. Unbeknownst to her, Dave’s lips curled into a wicked smirk as he rose from his seat.

He gazed at Marisa’s peaceful, unconscious face for a moment before moving to the couch. There, he picked up his phone and dialed a prearranged number. As the call connected, he pressed the phone against his ear.

“The job’s done,” Dave said with a tone of triumph, a hint of malevolence in his voice. “You can now come in.”

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