A Deal With The Millionaire

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Layla opened her eyes lightly and Shane’s arm were wrapped around her. He was still asleep and she stared endlessly at his handsome face. Shane tossed sleepily to her side and their face came in contact with each other and their lips touched lightly.

Layla took advantage of what happened as she moved a bit closer and kissed him deeply, Shane opened his eyes slightly and when he saw it was Layla. He responded and kissed her back. Shane broke the kiss.

” You’re fine now? ” Shane asked as he touched her forehead and her temperature was back to normal. He wanted to know if she was still cold. ” No, I’m fine now. All thanks to you ” She said and he let out a smile.

They both sat up at the same time like they had planned and they looked at each other in suprise before letting out a chuckle.

Shane’s hand grabbed his phone and his eyes widened at his missed calls. Layla noticed his look. ” Is it late already? ” Layla asked and he shook his head.

” Not really, it’s just that I got tons of missed calls from Brielle and Claus.. they’re probably worried. I’m sure Claus’s calling for a business purpose ” He said.

” Oh … I’m sorry ” Layla muttered and Shane turned to her. ” No, you did nothing wrong. It’s my responsibility to take care of you ” He said and pecked her lips. She smiled lightly and he did the same.

” I should leave then ” He said and she nodded. He turned to her. ” You will be fine right? ” He asked worriedly. She nodded. ” Yeah, you should leave and probably go home. I’m sure Brielle’s gonna be really worried ” She said and Shane chuckled.

He poked her nose lightly. ” And since when do you care about how Brielle’s gonna feel? ” He asked and she let out a scoff. ” You should be glad I care a bit ” She said and he chuckled.

” Bye then ” He said and pecked her cheeks this time around. He grabbed his phone and his car keys and stood up, ready to leave. ” I shouldn’t escort you? ” Layla asked and he shook his head.

” No I will be fine. Just rest here baby ” He said and blew her a kiss. Layla chuckled and watched as he walk out of the room.

** Shane’s Mansion **

” Oh Thank Goodness ” Brielle let out a sigh of relief immediately Shane walked in together with Claus. She hugged him softly. ” You’re okay right? You’re fine? The meeting wasn’t stressful was it? ” She rushed at once.

” Meeting? ” Shane thought confusedly and glanced at Claus who winked at him. ” Oh, yeah. The meeting wasn’t that stressful ” He said and she nodded as she broke the hug. ” Do you want me to prepare something for you? ” She asked but he shook his head. ” No, I’m fine ” He said and she nodded.

” I should go rest inside then ” He told her and gestured to Claus to follow him and he did and they both walked away to his room.

** Next day **

* Kent’s Enterprise *

Shane heard a knock at his door. ” Come in ” He said and to his uptmost suprise, Layla walked in. ” No.. no.. no.. no ” He said shooking his head as he said them while Layla only smiled.

” Come on, why would you come to work again? ” He asked worriedly as he stood up and walked over to her. He felt her temperature and it was normal, seems she was okay after all but Shane wasn’t contented. He still thinks she was supposed to be resting.

” ‘Cause I’m fine now and we are on a school break, I don’t have to go to school for some months now and since it’s that way, it means I have to work ” She said but Shane shook his head. ” But still.. I asked you to take the day off ” He said and she shook her head.

” No, you said that two days ago and I took the day off which was yesterday ” She said smartly and Shane scoffed.

” You’re really fine right? ” He asked and she nodded.

” Alright then. So why’re you here? ” He asked when he noticed she wasn’t with no files. ” Are you busy? ” She asked instead and he nodded.

” Yeah, I’m pretty busy ” He muttered as they walked over to his desk. ” Is it something I could help with? ” She asked, sitting a part of her butt on his desk while he sat on his seat. Shane let out a chuckle and she raised her brows.

” What? Do you think I can’t help with them? I’m also studying business administration ” She said as she rolled her eyes and he chuckled.

” I know right, but it’s not something you could help with ” Shane said and she let out a sad sigh. ” I should leave then ” She muttered. ” But you could help tho.. ” He trailed off and she raised her brows. ” What is it? ” She asked.

” Just sit right in front of me while I work. Staring at your face while working is gon’ increase my working pace ” He said and she let out a scoff.

” Yeah. Bye ” She said and waved tightly as she walked out of his office. Shane chuckled as he focused on the files before him.


” You should give this to Shane ” Tina dropped some files on Layla’s desk. Layla took a glance at the file before looking up at Tina with a raised brow.

” And why am I always the one to give him files? ” She asked. ” ‘Cause I’m busy ” Tina replied with a scoff.

” Well I’m busy too ” Layla gestured at the numerous files sitting on her table. ” What? Your job is just to make and set appointments, I do the most tedious work and I think you should be grateful I give you good reasons to go see your boyfriend ” She said with a wink and walked away leaving Layla whose cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

” How did she know? ” She thought as she stood up and grabbed the files as she walked out of their office. ” Claus must have told her ” She thought and stopped abruptly as she got to Shane’s office door.

She knocked gently at the door an after some few seconds, she was asked to come in. Her gaze landed on Brielle who was seating on a seat beside Shane’s and they both looked busy as they walked on some things.

” You can drop the files on the table and leave ” Shane said without looking up. ” Ye.. yes sir ” She muttered and moved over to the desk.

” Wow, you’re really getting it ” Shane said surprisingly as he looked at what Brielle was doing. Brielle let out a proud scoff. ” What? I’m also the CEO of a company. It’s not my first time doing stuffs like this ” She said proudly and Shane also scoffed.

” What? Like I don’t do stuffs like this too? I only got confused a bit ” He said and she looked at him with a smile before returning her attention back to what she was doing.

” Then you should be glad you got a brilliant and helpful wife like me ” She said and Shane chuckled before looking away as he also focused on his work.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

It seems they had really forgotten Layla was still in the room with them. ” They must be really busy ” Layla thought as she walked out of his office. ” She is helping him with a work he’s been finding it confused to do, but can I do that? Can I render him assistance on an office work if he’s confused. Can I give him best ideas to manage his company when something wanna go wrong? Obviously not! Cause it’s not what I know. I know not everything about business. I’m still learning, I’m a student. But Brielle, she seems like she would be of great help to hi always. She would always assist him with office works and even help him manage his company because she also manages a company of her own ” Layla thought as she walked back into her office, absentmindedly.

” Are you okay? ” Tina asked when she noticed Layla’s mood changed. ” Yeah I’m fine ” She muttered.

Their Office stationed cell phone suddenly rang and Layla picked it. ” Hello ” She said. ” Hi Layla. Could you please get my husband a cup of coffee, I think he might need it ” Brielle said and Layla nodded, wondering why she sounded polite but she answered anyways.

” Alright ma’am ” She said and the call cut.

” A coffee ” Layla muttered and stood up, she exited their office.


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