A Deal With The Billionaire

Tiana’s Confession


THEME: Tiana’s Confession



Raven tiptoed into the kitchen after clocking in late. She already knew Tiana won’t let her hear the end of it especially with her coming to work with an absolute new ride and just a day after getting married.

“You care to tell me who owns that car that you dropped from moment ago?” Her voice came from behind like that of a ghost with an intention to haunt.

Holding on to her chest tightly Raven gasped for breath. “Do you mind giving me a forewarning before hand? I really don’t want to die of heart attack.”

Folding her arms against her chest, Tiana raised her brow. “Two questions is all I am asking. One, why did you come in late? Two, who the hell owns that beamer? That’s a 2021 model boo!”

Raven looked perplexed. “Geez! I didn’t even realize you know cars or that they interest you.”

Tiana snapped a finger at her. “Hey! Don’t you try to invade the question.”

“Fine!” Raven huffed as she glanced at the other staffs who seemed busy. “To the store room now.”

Tiana didn’t bother to argue with her, she followed suit seeming so eager to hear what Raven has to say.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“How in the world did you know I drove in a different car this morning? To avoid being questioned was why I had parked at the space reserved for customers.” She had intentionally chosen the spot to avoid being noticed. There was no way questions won’t fly on who had such car at the staffs parking lot and not get traced to her. And if that happens how was she suppose to explain that she got married to a billionaire overnight?

“I was outside when I saw the car drove in. And boom! You came down from it!” Tiana said, looking betrayed. “When did you get a fancy car and I didn’t know about it? Is it possible that your husband has such cars laying around? That’s ridiculous!” She stated.

“Sorry this might seem untrue my darling and ruin your hypothesis. I got the car this morning and yes he had this sort of cars laying in his garage.”

“Oh my freaking goodness! Must have been a sight to see!” Tiana screamed.

“Tiana!” Raven stomped her feet. “We are keeping this between us remember?”

Immediately Tiana covered her mouth with her palm, “I am so sorry. I… I… I just got too excited. This is so surreal.”

“Trust me, I was more shocked than you are right now. But I couldn’t even refuse it, I either had to take the car or get chauffeured around town.”

“Oohhhh, that sounds more enticing!” Tiana teased.

“Stop playing Tiana. This isn’t meant to be funny.”

“But it is and I need to take a long ride with you in it.” Tiana did the happy dance.

“Probably if you decide to have dinner with my family and I tonight, you might get to ride in it with me.” She winked.

“Your family? Which of them?” Tiana asked with a confused look on her face.

“Don’t be naive. Mom and Rowan of course.” Raven answered.


“Why not? It’s not like he would mind. That dumb head practically moved past me this morning.”

Tiana giggled at what her friend just called her husband. “Ok then, I would join you after work. It’s been long since I had dinner with you guys.” She agreed with a shrug.

“Probably because all you have done is get down with your new catch.”

Tiana rolled her eyes. “Oh please don’t go there. Wait a sec.” She held up Raven left hand. “Where is your ring?”

“Oh, that?”

“Yeah, that! What happened to it?”

“It is in the car compartment. I dropped it there to prevent any unwanted questions.”

“Ok, that sounds reasonable.” She batted her eyelashes in understanding.

All of a sudden Tiana went quiet.

“What’s running through your mind, Tiana?” Raven asked.

Tiana avoided making eye contact with her friend. “Raven, I have a confession.”

What is it about? You are scaring me, Tiana.”

“I kind of had an altercation with Ashley last night at the party, but I promise I meant no harm.” She blurted out.

It had been hard for her to keep such issue from Raven. They had a silent code between them to not hide things from each other no matter how hard it might seem. She didn’t want a situation where Ashley might go bonkers and end up making a fool of Raven.

Raven shut her eyes. “Please tell me you are joking Tiana!” She pleaded.

“I wish I could tell you otherwise Raven. But it is the truth.”

Raven tried to find somewhere to seat on because her nerves shaky. “What were you thinking, Tiana? What if our cover gets out?”

Tiana sucked in her lips into her mouth tightly wishing she didn’t say anything to her. Raven was always quick to panic even though she does handle it well in the end. It was why she had to tell her.

“I did it for a good course. I couldn’t let her keep treating you the way she does because it is not right at all. Don’t be mad at me. I am sorry.”

With eyes laced with tears Raven stood up and pulled her friend into a hug. “How can I get angry with the one person who always has my back? I am just surprised at how you handled it so well.”

Tiana heaved a sigh of relief and hugged her friend in return. “Raven, you deserve peace of mind and that’s just it.”

“And I am grateful for having someone as awesome and selfless as you as my friend. Thank you so much Tiana.”

Tiana sniffed as she felt tears bobbing up her throat. She wasn’t one to cry or show her emotions on public. Throwing her head to the back to prevent the tears from falling and she sniffed hard.

“You do know how to make a hard girl cry. I guess we should get back to work now before not so pretty face pops in unannounced.”

Wiping at her face gently, Raven agreed. “That’s so true. He wouldn’t take it lightly this time around. Especially me who has been giving so much excuses to be off work.”

“Alright, get your face washed and come out. I will go first.” Tiana offered.

Raven sighed deeply after she left. She placed a hand on her chest and she felt it beat faster than normal. She hoped badly that her fears didn’t come to reality and Ashley gets more pissed considering her encounter with Tiana.

A woman whose mind was already made up won’t want to hear anything being said about someone she considers an enemy or a threat. She had to act neutral when she saw the look on Tiana’s face knowing her too well that it must have taken every vein in her to admit what she did. At least, she was glad Tiana told her.

Raven’s mind was prepared for the worst from her so called sister in law. Heading to the staff restroom, Raven washed her face, took few deep breaths and went back into the kitchen to finish up with the day’s order.

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