A Deal With The Billionaire

Meeting the billionaire

EPISODE TWENTYBelongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

Theme: Meeting the billionaire



They got to their destination in no time and Benjamin parked his car in front of an enormous building. From the looks of it and with the people going in and out, they were obviously rich people who act like they had something stuck up their ass.

Raven spotted the Crawford sign at the top of the building and she knew things were about to get real for her. A dreadful feeling swept over Raven as she hoped that whoever she was going to deal with wouldn’t give her a hard time.

“Let us go in, Raven.” Benjamin called out to her when he noticed that she was getting lost in thought once again.

He had intentionally not said a word to her in the car as he tried to give her enough time to process her thoughts. And for a moment, Benjamin had prayed she wouldn’t tell him to stop the car and drive her back to the restaurant. If not for anything, he also hoped for the sake of her son, Raven would take on the deal.

They entered the building and headed straight to the elevator and pressed in the floor they intended to meet the man in question.

Benjamin dipped his hand into his pocket. “Raven, you do know that I would never let you get involved in anything that would make you feel uncomfortable right?” He told her.

A tight smile grazed her lips as she hugged herself. “I know.”

“Also Raven, I am promising you that you will never regret this just trust me.” Benjamin assured her.

“I trust you.” Raven replied, trying to convince herself to stay calm.

The elevator dinged, notifying them of their arrival to their intended floor and Benjamin walked to a large space with Raven following closely behind him.

“Good morning, Mr Williams.” The young looking secretary greeted cheerfully.

Benjamin decided to swing into a fully flirtatious mode. “Hey there princess, you miss me?” He winked at her and the gesture made the lady blush so hard.

Raven knew the lady must be having a crush or some sort of feelings for Benjamin to make the deep crimson show on her rosy cheeks.

“How many times have I warned you to stop flirting with my staff and making a fool of yourself in my premises?!”

A thunderous voice boomed from behind and it made Raven jumped in fear. She looked back only to find the most fascinating cold looking distant eyes doing a crawl over her body and then another once over.

“And who is this?” Christopher queried as he glared at his secretary.

Benjamin rolled his eyes. “Always a total kill joy.” He muttered under his breath. “Chris, she is with me.”

Christopher raised his eyebrows. “In my office now!” He barked and headed towards his office.

“I really hate it when he does that with me, brute!” Benjamin spat and he turned to Raven. “Please take a seat, Raven. I will be back soon.” He gave her shoulder a gently pat before walking towards the same path with his friend.

“Why did you bring a stranger to my company?” Christopher demanded not wanting to give his friend a little space to rest.

Benjamin grumbled some profanities. “Do you always have to act like a dickhead? That woman out there is the one to sign the contract.”

Christopher shot him a stern look and cocked his eyebrows again. “How come? I called you about an hour ago and you didn’t anything positive to report to me. Yes, I remember giving you a one week ultimatum.” He folded his arms.

“Well I have a woman for you now.” Benjamin replied with a shrug as he settled down on the three seater couch in the large office room.

“She looks nothing like Jessica!” Christopher fumed.

“I thought we agreed to never make mention of her name ever again.” Benjamin countered.

Christopher sighed. “That’s not what I am saying. I meant that, she looks less sophisticated. What the hell does she do for a living?”

“She is a chef at the Golden Restaurant if you must know.” Benjamin said with pride in his tone.

“Really Ben? You went to hire a chef from your favorite restaurant.” Christopher snorted.

“How low do you think of me? Now listen, that woman out there is the perfect fit for you. As usual, it would be plain business and that’s all you need. She is in dire need of this money as you are in dire need of a woman to be your fake bride. Her son is critically ill so she would do anything to save his life. She isn’t interested in you just your money in case you are already getting ideas in your head. And not every woman will be attracted to you.”

“Are you trying to insult me?”

“Am I being too obvious?” Benjamin feigned a serious look.

“I am so going to make you pay, Benjamin.” Christopher gritted his teeth.

“Save your threat man. Actually, I could turn her back right now and drop her off where I picked her but she needs this more than you do so I will let your sour attitude slide this time.” Benjamin pointed at him.

“Do you know her that much? I don’t want no crazy bitch on my radar.”

Benjamin shook his head. “She is a long time friend of mine and a good woman at that so you just relax.”

Christopher couldn’t help the smirk that graced his face. “You seem so invested in her. Wait up, are you trying to get your so called long time friend a rich man like me?”

Benjamin scoffed. “You are an asshole best friend.” He stood up and pointed at him. “Are you ready to become the chief executive officer of Crawford Corporation?”

“Since I took in my first breath on earth.” Christopher affirmed.

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