A Deal With The Billionaire

Are you okay, Raven?


THEME: Are you okay, Raven?


As Christophe drove to Raven’s home, he wondered what was up with her. They haven’t had much conversation since they both left his family’s house and also knowing that Raven wasn’t that dismissive. After pondering internally for another five minutes, Christopher remembered how his elder sister had acted towards his fake wife to be. Ashley’s ridiculous claims, questions and snobbish attitude must be the reason. He concluded.

Christopher cleared his throat as he drove on. “Ahm… about my elder sister, I am sorry. Sometimes, she acts that way but she is also a very good person.” He apologized.

Raven turned her attention away from glancing out to the dark skies through the window and she looked at him. “Well… to me it seems like she was the only one who didn’t buy our lies. It felt like she was seeing the facade through me.”

“That’s not true. And as a matter of fact, don’t try to blame yourself because you did well!” Christopher complimented her but not because he was sorry for how his elder sister acted towards her but he meant every word. Even he was surprised at his own outburst.

“Well… that’s new.” Raven mused, surprised that he just praised her. “Thanks anyways. I had a nice time with your family. And your parents and younger sister are really nice and warm.”

A proud smile evolved on his face. “My mom, dad and younger sister are always that way. They warm up to people easily.” Christopher cleared his throat when he noticed that her eyes were on him. And all of a sudden, the usual hard gaze reappeared back on his face.

“So now that this phase is over, what happens next?” Raven queried.

“The wedding ceremony. And before you ask me anything about it let me make it clear to you that I want something minimal as possible.” He answered.

“Same here. I don’t intend to invite all my extended family members to a fake marriage.” Raven replied.

“Good.” He muttered.

They lapsed into silence for the rest of the drive. No one said a word after they both reached an agreement.

Christopher parked his car in front of her house. Raven didn’t bother to say goodnight to him as she stepped out of the car. Christopher wasn’t surprised by her attitude since he had acted the same way most times too.

Raven looked at the window only to groan inwardly because she knew her friend had stayed up and waited until she returned back home. They both have work to do at the restaurant tomorrow but it seemed like Tiana was more concerned with hearing how dinner with the Crawford Clan went.

Raven stepped into the house and muttered some incoherent words to herself as she slipped off her heels. They were killing her feet and it had been so long since she had tried on such a fancy foot wear.

“Before you ask me anything please let me breath for some minutes.” Raven said when she sighted her friend beaming anxiously.

Tiana rolled her eyes and sighed. “Killjoy!” She muttered.

“Just a few minutes more.” Raven shook her head.

“Like I knew you would request for it. I already placed your night wear on the bed. And don’t even think of sleeping out on me. You would give me a full update of how it went as soon as you get changed. Is that clear?” Tiana pointed a finger at her.

“As your royal highness pleases… ma’am.” Raven added the last word with a yawn.

Raven knew she would have to spill every part of her intestine in form of words to Tiana so she took her time getting changed especially the warm bathe in shower. It made her feel refreshed. She went to the living room where Tiana already have a warm plate of pizza served for her.

Raven grabbed a slice off the plate and she chewed on it with relish. “Oh my goodness, how did you know I needed this?” She mumbled in between a stuffed mouth.

“I knew you wouldn’t eat much there because you must have been too self conscious for your own good.”

Raven sat up abruptly only to roll off the couch and hit her butt on the ground. “Ouch.” She winced.

“Oops, I can’t feel sorry for you for making me wait so long.” Tiana laughed.

“Whatever.” Raven positioned herself on the couch again.

“So, tell me… how are they?” Tiana asked the one question that has been in her mind for hours. She had to even hold back the urge to text Raven.

Reminiscing on the moments with Christopher’s family, Raven couldn’t help but admit that they were sweet for a family who had everything they wanted in life.

“I have to admit that they are nice and warm people.” She said.

“Just that?” Tiana arched her brows.

“Yes.” Raven replied.

“No, don’t give me such a short response. I am asking for a full detailed night with the Crawford Clan and not just warm and nice.”

Raven held out her hand to grab a glass of water on the table. “Fine, just wait.” She chugged down the whole content. “Ah! That was relieving.”

A deep frown creased Tiana’s forehead. “You know keeping me in suspense for long only makes you look like an evil witch.”

Raven grinned from ear to ear. “I am glad I could get to you that much.”Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Tiana hit her with a throw pillow as she laughed. “Fine! You won this time! Now tell me everything… pleaseee.”

“Actually they treated me well and I think I got myself a friend. His younger sister. Her name is Ava, she is cheerful and seems really comfortable with me.”

Tiana lay her back in the couch. “That’s a good sign.”

Raven nodded in agreement. “Tiana, you should have seen the Crawford’s home! It was massive and beautiful! I almost lost my footing as I walked into the house!”

Tiana sat up eagerly. “Did you take any picture?”

Raven stared at her in disbelief with her mouth agape. “Are you crazy, Tiana? Is there any need to act like a bitch?!”

“Still you could have pretend to take a selfie or even a picture with your man.” Tiana replied.

“Taking such pictures would have made me look like an opportunist.”

Tiana let out a scoff. “Aren’t we all?”

“Tiana!” Raven called her to order even as she threw her head back in laughter.

“I am still not like you, Tiana. If I didn’t know you better I would say you are into some kind of fraud.”

“I think… that sounds good. I could possibly be a billionaire from-”

“Shut up, Tiana!” Raven laughed.

“Alright. I am a head chef and not a fraud.” She raised her hand up in surrender.

“Now tell me sincerely Raven, aside all of these jokes, are you okay? How are you baby?”

Raven has been expecting Tiana to ask her how she really was since she came in, however it was typical of her to always try hard to lighten the mood before jumping into the most toughest conversations.

Tears clouded Raven’s eyes as she sniffed. “Oh please, Raven.” Tiana said as she moved closer to her friend. “Please don’t cry.” She pulled her in for a hug.

They remained like that for about two minutes in silence before Raven let her go.

“I don’t belong there, Tiana. It is not my place. Although they are nice people and all but I still don’t feel like one of them. The house is so foreign, the people are so sophisticated like they were all suited and dazzling for dinner. Tiana, can you imagine that?” Raven let out a quick laugh at the scene from the dinner.

“I guess that’s how rich people dresses for dinner.” Tiana added.

“And the oldest of Mr and Mrs Crawford doesn’t like me. Her name is Ashley and she is married with three kids. She openly disapproved of my presence and it was obvious that she didn’t like the fact that I was so low to their class.” Raven sighed.

“What do you mean? That isn’t true. We are middle class people. And what’s with the segregation?” Tiana argued with a scowl on her face.

“Come on, Tiana. You know what I mean. They are like the one of the richest in the whole of Connecticut. Don’t act oblivious, it doesn’t look good on you.”

“Please try defending me sometimes, you are being so unfair.” Tiana whined with a small smile on her lips.

“I am just telling you.” Raven heaved a sigh again.

“Whichever way it is, Raven, I have said this before and I would say it again. Do not let anybody trample over you. This is business and you are rendering a service. Do not let them treat you like trash. You are your own woman and also independent. Sometimes, life just makes a mess out of us, but those who scale through till the end are the real heroes. And we would fight till the end but till then, we won’t let anyone take advantage of us. You get that? And if you need me to throw the Ashley lady some good punch then trust me to be your person.” Tiana cracked her knuckles and growled.

“You are so dramatic.” Raven chuckled.

“Well not everyone has to be like you.” Tiana winked.

“You are my cheerleader, Tiana. And I love you so much.”

“Awwnnn. I love you too, Raven.”

They hugged tightly until they were both about to fall off the couch. Tiana was quick to hold the table but she knocked off the plate.

“Ok! That’s it! I am calling it a night!” Raven announced as she picked up the fallen plate and headed towards the kitchen.

Tiana yawned. “Yeah I agree with you. This week has been one hell of a roller coaster. I am glad we have good news finally. Tomorrow is another Monday!” She yelled.

“I don’t like my life!”

“Shut up, Tiana!” Raven rebuked as she checked the wall clock. It was past eleven.

“Oh shoot! I haven’t called mom yet. How could I be so forgetful?”

“It is not your fault. Today was a long day for you too. I am heading to the room. See you there.” Tiana stretched carelessly as she headed to Raven’s room.

Raven picked up the house phone, she dialed her mother with the hope that she would still be awake. Luckily, Eva was awake as she picked on the second ring.

‘I am so sorry, mom. I got so carried away.’ Raven bellowed into the receiver.

Eva moved around a bit, it was obvious she already settled in for the night. ‘It’s okay darling. I knew you had a long day that’s why I didn’t call too. How are you?’

‘I am fine mom. How is Rowan?’

‘He is a lot better now. Christopher also called to check on him. He had assured me that you were home safe.’

‘Oh. He didn’t tell me.’ Her voice faltered wondering how he went from hot to cold.

‘He is such a sweet man.’

‘I know mom. I will call it a night now. See you tomorrow.’

‘Good night my dear.’

The line went off. Raven shook her head vigorously as the sleep was beginning to get to her. She would never understand why Christopher was so sweet towards her mother even though he claimed it was all just pretense. Switching off the living room lights and checking the door to be sure it was locked properly before she went into the room.

Raven tucked herself underneath the warm blanket, she chided herself for overthinking while resting her head to sleep.

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