Chapter 44

They were pronounced husband and wife and followed by the reception, dancing and merriment followed in order. We also took pictures.

I spent a day at my parent’s house. Melinda and Cole were off for their honey moon.

I was back to my base. I and Ohio were already working on fixing our own wedding date so that it will also favor his people who will like to fly all the way down to attend.

I was home alone that night, after speaking with Teri over the phone on how the reception will be and when she will be traveling down again to start up with the proper plans. i jot out some of the things needed for my big day and felt sleepy while during that.

I decided to go to bed. I was already sleeping when I heard a bang on the door. I was shock and wondered who could be knocking by such an ungodly hour. I checked the time it was 1:45am. Almost 2am. The knocking became fierce. I stood and tiptoed to the door after putting off all the light. As I checked the security hole. I saw somebody on a facial mask standing by my door and hitting it hard with a sharp object.

I wondered who could be that or who sent the mask person. The intruder covered all the face, wore a big black overall cloth. I couldn’t’ see who exactly he or she was. I guess they were two, because I heard one talking to another before bouncing hard on my door again as if they want to break down the door.

I quickly rushed back to get my phone so that I can call for help.

I ran back to my phone to call for help. The first person that came to mind was Ohio, I quickly dialled his line and waited as the phone was ringing.

“Open this door right now! Open this door or we will force it open and it will be worst for you….

They knew that I was awake after I turned off all the light.

They were commanding me to open the door or the worst will happen to me if they force it open. Fear gripped me, I was confuse on what to do. I can’t open the door and watch them hurt me.

I can hear them trying to unlock my door with something. I need to act fast before they will succeed in unlocking the door and come inside to attack me.

What if they are hired assassin? What if they are kidnappers? What if they are armed robbers? How did they even pass the estate security and came all the way down to my apartment? Who could have sent them and why? Who are they?

The only person I recently had a fight with and she came back threatening me was Jojo.

“oh Jojo, she sent the men to kill me…. oh my God! She has decided to carry out her threat. Jojo want me dead…maybe she heard I was getting married to Ohio and hired men to come and attack me. Oh my….

I was scared as I thought of the danger I was into and no one to help.

I kept calling Ohio, my hands were shaking. I was also thinking of any escape route. I have none in the house. No backyard door, except high windows with glass. There was no other escape rout in the house for me at all and I never thought it was necessary until now.

Ohio later picked up his phone and with the way he sound I knew I interrupted his sleep. I began to talk in a whisper.

After informing him that there were intruders at my place trying to force my door open, Ohio’s eyes cleared up immediately. His voice began to break as he speak. He was shock after I told him what was going on.

Ohio asked me to find a place to hide myself that he was calling the cops right away.

I couldn’t find a better place to hide myself while waiting for the quick response of the cops and Ohio. I don’t even want Ohio to come down without the cops because he will be risking his life.

The door was opening gradually, the intruders were succeeding in unlocking my door. My phone rang out, I quickly silent it.

I ran to the kitchen, checked for any weapon that I can use for self-defense. I took one of the kitchen knives but what can a kitchen knife do. What if the men have guns on them?

I have many questions scaring me off that moment. I collected the kitchen knife and tuck it tight to my night wear. I have watched several movies on self defense during house robbery or any unexpected danger but I don’t have the confidence or nerve to do anything at that moment. I was in danger and I’m the only one in the house.

My phone was vibrating, it was Ohio who told me that he was on his way with the cops. He asked me to remain calm, he will soon get to me. I also spoke with the cops, they told me not to panic that they have called my estate security to check out what was going on. They asked me to remain calm.

How can I be calm in such a situation? I needed to find a suitable hiding place. I ran to my room, looking around on where to hide. if I go under the bed or crawl into the war-drop they will check those places and see me. I was checking round the house to see if there was a place I can hide until the cops arrive.

The door finally fling open, I quietly crawl back to the kitchen holding a wooden spatula in my shaking hands. I went behind my kitchen cupboards and stayed there. I can hear a footstep walking round the house. The stepped went to my room first and I can hear the sound of my wardrop door opening.

After sometimes the intruder switched the bathroom lights on. They were searching for me.

“Come out from wherever you are hiding because if I get you…. you will be sorry for disobeying!

A strange strong voice barked out to me repeatedly. I remained where I was and did not come out. I can see a fire extinguisher hanging by the wall, it will be a good weapon for me. My phone was vibrating, I did not bother to check the caller, I quickly silent the call and drop the phone on the ground.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

I don’t want to be distracted at this hour, I needed to focus.

The loud footsteps was coming towards the kitchen. And in no time he was there, he switched on the light and stood in the center of the kitchen. I can see his shoe, it was a black boot. Which shows that the men really came for operation. Either to kidnap me or to harm me.

He was backing the cupboard where I was hiding. His partner called out to him asking if he has seen me? He replied him with a hushed voice that he was still searching. The second man asked him to hurry up that he was wasting too much time in getting me.

He checked behind the kitchen door, then as he bent to check a cabinet which was opposite where I was hiding. I rushed out and went straight at him. I hit him first with a fire extinguisher and as he staggered the gun fell off from his hand. I try to rush to the gun, the man who has recovered from my first attack, knocked me off the ground with his boot, I lost my balance and fell with a heavy thud, I winced in pain and got up immediately.

As he try to pick up the gun again, I kicked it under the cupboard with my leg.

He punch me hard on the neck and another to my eyes and another heavy blow landed my face which almost send me unconscious but I was not giving up on the fight yet.

His partner was calling him from outside to hurry up.

He try to lift me to his shoulder but I bite him hard with my teeth, a small scream left his mouth. He try dragging me out, I held onto the door with all my might.

He hit me again as he try to make me pass out so that he can carry me outside on his shoulder and to whatever car they came with and to wherever they planned taking me to.

As he was kicking me with his boot, I crawled up myself on the ground, placed my hand where I hide the kitchen knife beneath my cloth. I gently pulled out the knife without him suspecting it and stretched out with force, the first place my hand went straight was his stomach.

I stabbed him and did not removed my hand. I pushed in the knife until it penetrated his belly. He screamed out so loud. I had injuries on my body but I paid no attention to myself. I will take care of it later.

I can hear sound, maybe his partner was coming to finish me up. I searched for the gun that I kicked under the cupboard but it will take time before I retrieve it.

The man was on the ground rattling in pain as he try to pull off the knife.

Blood filled the whole place, it was not a good sight to behold

I quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher and hide at the back of the door, waiting for his partner to come up suddenly so that I can smash his head with it. My legs shakes, I was weak and was ready to pass out any moment but the determination to live, especially now that my life was beginning to make sense, the thought that my long waited happiness was coming to stay kept me fighting hard. I will not allow the armed men to kill me before my joy is full. With God’s help I will survive this.

I heard my name, someone was calling my name and it was Ohio’s Voice.

He ran to the kitchen with speed, he screamed in shock when he saw the mess on the ground. He grabbed me to himself and lifted me to his arm. The cops where behind him. They lift the intruder from the ground as he was still struggling to pull off the knife, he was also bleeding seriously. They removed his mask and asked me if I recognized him but I have never seen his face before.

I asked them if they have apprehended his partner that was outside, they told me that he escaped but I shouldn’t worry because he will be caught.

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