100 Days With Mr Romero


“What the fuck is going on here!” A voice thundered. Stephan jumped back in shock the moment he heard Gideon’s outburst.

“Mr B-Brynch,” He said shakily. “It’s not what it looks like I swear.”

“I knew it,” Ciara said with a victory look. “She isn’t to be trusted, this is the woman you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with? She’s finally proven to be nothing but a slut.”

“Quiet Ciara!” He thundered clenching his fist tight, I was afraid he was going to punch Stephan or break something. Saying I was terrified would be an understatement, I’ve never seen him look so angry before, rage seemed to flow through him like lava, I had caused this, what have I done? “What were you doing?” He looked to Stephan and then to me again. “How long has this been going on?”

“Nothing has been going on Gideon, this is all just a misunderstanding.” I tried to calm him down.

“Oh,” He gave a dry laugh. “So I didn’t just see his lips on yours?”

I shook my head trying to explain. “I was the one who came on to him, Stephan did nothing Gideon, and it was barely even a kiss, it was just a peck, it meant nothing really.”

“Are you defending him? Do I look stupid? I’m sure if I hadn’t walked in here, it would have developed into something more, what, do you want to fuck him?”This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

“You’re being ridiculous Gideon.” That was probably not the best thing to say at the moment, but I couldn’t believe he would say something like that.

“Oh, am I? Am I the one being ridiculous? You don’t see me going around kissing other women, especially not when my wedding is approaching, did you think of that, your wedding? Before you go round kissing men.”

“Don’t insult me Gideon!” I was starting to get really angry. “You are not so innocent yourself, don’t think I didn’t see you and her!” I shouted pointing at Ciara. “You say there is nothing going on, but I’m not dumb and I’m definitely not blind.”

“What are you even saying?”

“I-I think I’ll leave now,” Ciara muttered and hurried out of the room, Stephan looked really nervous, probably wondering if he should stay or leave, with a wave of dismissal from Gideon, he hurried out also.

I crossed my arms before me. “You said I was overreacting earlier when she did that earlier, you trust her so much you don’t see she’s the demon in sheep’s clothing and then the way you hugged her when she arrived.”

“A hug? A hug shared between friends was what pushed you to kiss my driver.”

“Stephan only helped me find relaxation, I was just showing appreciation-”

“Do you show appreciation to all men by kissing them?”

“It was a mistake!” I groaned out loud. “How many times do I need to say this?”

“You weren’t drunk, you weren’t half-asleep, you did it with your

clear head, you were thinking right when you did it. Or what, was this just to hurt my feelings? Because of Ciara?”

“No, OK, I’m sorry.”

“I can’t even look at you now, not without seeing you kissing him, I need…” He didn’t complete his sentence, but just stormed past me.

“Gideon!” I called walking after him. “Where are you going?”

“None of your business!” He shouted slamming the door right in front of my face, I jumped back surprised at the impact.

Gideon and I were completely fine few days ago and we were finally agreeing on things and getting along, where it had all gone wrong, I couldn’t point it out. Should I go after him? That would be pointless, with the mood he was in at the moment, he surely wouldn’t listen to me, or hear my pleas.

Is this how it was going to be? When Gideon and I got married, is this the life I’m going to be living, from one fight all because of misunderstanding and jealousy. Sure the sex want good, but marriage or any relationship shouldn’t just be based of sex. Gideon was stubborn and so was I, if we didn’t learn to control our temper, we would surely kill each other someday.

“Are you OK?” Someone said just from behind, pushing me out from my thoughts. I turned round to face Estelle, she was dressed in her cleaning outfit, an apron tied around her body and a bonnet on her head. She held a broom in her hands, she must have been cleaning. “Sorry, I heard shouting.”

She probably heard everything though, our voices were loud enough to be heard miles away. “Yeah, sorry about that,” I muttered. “Gideon and I had a little fight.” The fight was barely little, though we had little arguments, never had it escalated to this. This was something bigger and wouldn’t just resolve in one night.

“Because of the Bimbo?” she asked. I had a feeling she was referring to Ciara, that’s what Stephan called her also, so I nodded. “You shouldn’t let her get under your skin. She’s always been like that, acting like a sweetheart whenever Gideon was around, but a total Demon when he isn’t.” She walked further into the room and looked round, when she didn’t see anyone but me, she continued. “Yunno, this is how she has always been.”

“Ciara?” I asked.

She nodded her head. “Whenever Gideon finds a new girl, she’s always quick to create disruption. I’m sure she must have been furious with anger when Gideon told her about you, she covered it up with a smile, but she wasn’t deceiving anyone-maybe Gideon though, but not me.”

“But she has a boyfriend right? Thomas? Why is she bent on destroying Gideon’s relationship.”

“Yeah, she said she has a boyfriend, according to her he’s oversees on some business trip, Gideon has never seen him, just believing her words. She knows she can’t have Gideon, but she’s bound on making sure no one else has him and Gideon can’t see that because… well, though he may not give off that vibe to most people, he’s a nice man, always willing to see the good in people.”

“Even when there’s no really any good there.” I sighed rubbing my head. “Do you know where he might have gone to?” I asked, I had a feeling he would be back this night.

Estelle shrugged. “Probably a friend’s house, to cool off. I should go now, the Bimbo made a mess in the kitchen when she tried to make simple coffee, all this over-pampered dummies.”

I laughed. I don’t understand why I’ve never had a real conversation with Estelle, she seemed nice and she hated Ciara so we had one thing in common. “Thank you, I feel much better now and I know better than to let Ciara get to my head.”

“Good,” she said. “I better go now, Gideon might be back anytime soon, don’t want him to meet the kitchen as messy as it is.”

After Estelle had gone, I stood staring at the door, will Gideon be home this night? My eyes widened as what I had just said hit me, when did I start thinking of Gideon’s house as home.

The next day came and Gideon still wasn’t home, I had called him many times and although the phone rang, it never got answered, that only means he still doesn’t want to talk to me. I decided not to think about it too much, maybe he just needs a little time to cool off and then he will be back.

I prepared for work early today, my supervisor had called me with a warning and I was afraid he would report me to the head. “Emily, Sarah wants to see you,” Abigail, personal secretary to Sarah, who was the head manager said as she passed by.

“Do you know what for?” I asked standing up quickly.

“I’m not sure.” she shrugged. “But she doesn’t look to happy.”

I knew what this was about, I have been coming late to work and some days I don’t even show up, Andrew must have reported me to her, not like I would blame him though, if I were to be in his shoes, I would probably report myself. I brushed my gown down, trying to look as presentable as I have ever looked. I didn’t want to lose this job, I had enough on my head and can’t bear the burden of being unemployed.

I gave a small knock and only went in when a voice from inside answered. Sarah sat behind her desk, typing away on the desktop before her, huge glasses sat on her nose which was scrunched up in concentration. I wish she had called me at a time when she would have been less busy rather than keeping me standing, it would have been better if she had offered me a sit, but she hasn’t even looked up since I arrived.

I greeted her and waited awkwardly by the side, minutes later which actually felt like forever, she finally raised her head up. “Yes, you are Emily right?”

“Yes.” I nodded my head, my arms clasped together behind my back.

She stared at me for awhile, I wondered if she was judging my appearance or if there was something on my face. She cleared her throat. “Your supervisor has laid some complaints about you, he said you haven’t been showing up to work, and when you do show up, you are never punctual. Do you have anything to say to that?” she cocked her head a little to the right.

What was I supposed to say, I had no excuse to give because I was truly at fault. “Uh, nothing. It won’t happen again, I’m sorry,” I said simply. It was better to be honest and apologetic, that would help earn me pardon.

“I remember when you came here for an interview few months ago, I also remember telling you that we don’t tolerate tardiness here. If you’re tired of this work, you’re always free to drop your resignation letter, no one is going to hate you for that.”

I took a step forward. “No Ma’am, I really need the job. Stuffs have just been happening, this won’t happen again.”

“It better not, you may leave now.” I nodded my head and exited the room quickly. I was relieved that I wasn’t fired, but more worried that I may not be able to keep with the promise I just made.

Estelle and I ate dinner together, Gideon still didn’t return. “How long do you think he plans to stay out, I mean, he can’t ignore me forever.”

“Just give him time, he will probably come back today.” But Estelle was wrong, Gideon still wasn’t back by the time I went to bed. I couldn’t help thinking of the time he had talked me to sleep, his voice was so relaxing and smooth. I found it hard to sleep thinking about him and ended up staring at the ceiling for a long time before sleep finally came.

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