Luna Lola-The Moon Wolf

Chapter 148

Lola's POV


 I looked at the woman in front of me with surprise. She looked radiant unlike what she looked like this morning when I saw her.

 “What a surprise! Did you forget something when you came around in the morning?” I asked her and she just smiled at me. “I've

decided that I'm going to punish Alysia myself and since the war will be upon us soon, I'll like to stay back in the pack and help you with

whatever I can”, she said with a straight face.NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

 I felt something was wrong with her but I just couldn't place my fingers on it. She almost seemed fake. The radiance, the way she asked

to stay to help with the war ahead, everything seemed fake but I didn't want to doubt it.

 Alysia would never dare to set her foot into Crescent moon pack, she seemed smart enough to not take that kind of risk and besides, the

person in front of me smelled exactly like Serena. I remembered Alysia having this kind of scent that made my nose burn but Serena's scent

was soothing to the nose.

 “Lola, pumpkin “, Rose shouted from the kitchen, “I need your help setting the table”, she called out. “I'll be right there”, I shouted back

and ushered Serena into the house.

 “Please, make yourself comfortable. You're just in time for dinner”, I gave her a tight smile and went into the kitchen where Rose was

already setting up the table.

 “I don't hear Lyla's voice”, she said as she looked towards the door like she was expecting her to burst through them at any moment.

 “It wasn't Lyla and the gang, Rose”, I told her and she looked at me questioningly. “It's Serena”.

 “Serena?” She asked and I nodded my head. “She told me she would be out of town for the whole weekend. What is she doing here

again?” She asked, confusion clearly written all over her face.

 “Finish up here, will you?” She said before going to the living room. “Serena. It's so nice to see you again”, she greeted her warmly but I

could hear the underlying question and confusion in her voice.

 “I thought you were leaving for a couple of days. Why are you here again?” She asked. “I figured that I might as well stay back in the

pack and help with whatever I can help with”, she said but it seemed fake.

 “You're welcome to stay then. I'll arrange a room to be set up for you in the pack house”, Rose said. “Actually, I'd prefer if I could stay

here. I'll like a little bit of privacy, you know how fickle magic can be and I wouldn't want to get distracted easily by noise”, she said and I

had the urge to go out and tell her to leave.

 My intuition is never wrong and I just knew something was totally wrong with the situation. Just when I was about to damn the

consequences and call her Bellshill, Adrian walked into the kitchen.

 “I don't think that is a good idea”, he said. “But it's so obvious that something weird is going on here”, I whisper-yelled at him.

 “It's either Selene is in danger or she's cooking up something. I don't have a good feeling about this, Adrian”, I said through our


 He pulled me to his chest and rubbed my back. “I don't want you on edge, baby. If something is really going on, I'll get to the bottom

of it”, he kissed my forehead afterwards.

 The doorbell rang and I pulled away from Adrian to go and get the door. I passed Rose and Serena talking in the living room and I could

swear that she smirked at me. I ignored her and went to open the door.

 The door had barely opened when I was squished between two bodies. “Guys, I can barely breathe”, I wheezed out.

 “I'll leave you ladies to it”, Nathan said and gently squeezed his large body through the little space that was left. “He's in the kitchen “, I

called after him and he gave me a thumbs up in response.

 I felt a sharp pain on my shoulder and bit my lips to stop sounds from escaping. “Gosh, Avia. What is wrong with you?” I asked as I held

my shoulder and she glared at me.

 “You barely reached out to us. It was almost like you were avoiding us or hiding something from us and it got me mad”, she sulked.

“Hey, I'm sorry guys, I was just caught up in a lot. I didn't mean to go MIA like that”, I apologized and pulled them into a hug again.

 “It's so nice to see you, bestie”, Lyla hugged me with her very protruding belly. “Very nice to see you too, boo bear”, I replied to her and

hugged her again, to which Avianca pouted.

 “Did you guys change personality overnight?” I asked, to which everyone laughed. “I'm sincerely curious, guys. Serena is also acting

weird and giving off a very weird vibe”, I told them.

 “Serena?” Lyla asked and I nodded in affirmation. “She barely comes to the pack unless it's necessary “, Avianca added and that was

what further solidified my thought that Serena was just being weird.

 “She even asked to sleep in our house till the war is over. I have a bad feeling about this, guys”, I told them but Lyla just waved me off.

 “I'm sure the war has everybody on edge and you'll get to see sides of people that you've not seen before. I'm sure you're just being

paranoid”, Lyla said as she pushed me in the direction of the kitchen.

 I hope Lyla is actually right. I pray my intuition is wrong for once.

Damon's POV

 My phone dinged once and a satisfied smile crossed my face as I read the message.

 “They don't suspect a thing and I've been able to settle in their home. Everything is going according to plan, Damon”.

   Love, Al.

 I gave Alysia's lookalike in front me a kick to the stomach but she held her moans of pain in like she's been doing since that morning

that I captured her.

 “Deep down in your heart, you know you're fighting a losing game, Damon. Truth and goodness will always prevail and there's nothing

you'll do about it”, she said to me with a mocking smile on her face.

 “It's not too late to give up. I'm sure Adrian and Lola will forgive you and understand “, she said, making me land a slap across her face.

 ;“Never!” I spat in her face before I turned around and left the room.

 I'll never allow them to win. I'm going to wipe all of them out and rule over all of them. That is my calling and I'll fulfill it.

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