Chapter 0080
But she recovered quickly and broke the spell, pulling away.
"So what? You're going out with him now?" I asked. "Was that after he took you to that lawyer or before then?"
"I'm not even gonna ask how you knew that. It doesn't matter to me," she replied.
I shouldn't have said that but I couldn't bring myself to care about that blunder.
"Please move your car out of the way. Also it's none of your -"
"Careful!" I shut her up as I invaded her space this time.
Her breath hitched. My heart gave a tingle when her eyes dropped to my lips. But she quickly stepped back, reverting her gaze to Sergeant brave standing by the car.
Then she moved fast and clumsy past me to meet him.
The half-blood stood watching. He tried another staring contest but gave up faster this time.
Sara opened the door to get into his car as I whispered the words into her mind,
'You're putting this man in danger, Sweets.'
My mind was in a rage, and I couldn't see straight. The thought of Sara with the half-wolf was making me dizzy. It was the weekend. Alex wouldn't be with her. Did that mean she was spending the whole time with that one? My claws distended as I fought to soften my grip on the wheel.
Alex sat quietly in the backseat, but I knew he had something to say. I could feel it. He watched me intently, silently asking for my attention. It was easy to guess what was going on in his tiny mind.
If I was doing a good job handling my family, his mother wouldn't be meeting that half-wolf he called uncle.
I was sorry to yell at him, but he needed to learn that there were certain people he should hate. It didn't matter how long he'd known the sergeant. Calling him uncle was unacceptable.
I pulled into the driveway of the art school and turned around to look at him. He sat with both hands on his side, watching me, waiting.
"You wanna know why I'm mad? Because you can't go round calling people uncle!"
"But I don't," he replied firmly. "Geoff and Oak and Max... and Bonny are not uncle. They're Mister. So is Mister Colt. Avery is uncle. Like beta Jake and gamma Richard."
"He's NOT like my brothers!" I snapped. "Yes, he's a bit of what we are. But only a tinnee little bit. Just cuz you've known him all your life doesn't mean he gets that honor, you hear me! You're three years old. You'll get to meet many more people of worth in this lifetime!" He frowned. It was clear he didn't understand what I said, but he got the gist.
"Don't ever call him uncle again. And don't... laugh or talk to him. Do you understand?"
What the f*ck was I even doing teaching my child to be unfriendly? I heaved a deep sigh and sat back on the seat.
"Mommy and Grandpa like him! Grandpa said he's good people."
"Alright, you can talk to him, but don't play or laugh with him. Do you understand?"
"Yes!" He replied.
"Yes, alpha!" I corrected. "Or yes, Daddy!"
"Yes, alpha. Daddy."
Moments passed in silence before he asked.
"Does mommy hate you because of him?"
I thought of saying yes. It could gain me his sympathy. After a moment, 1 pushed the petty thought aside and replied,
"No. She hates me because I was an idiot."
"What is that?" He asked with another frown.
It's not like could explain everything that happened between us. I wondering what to say when. spoke again. Content beloNôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.
"Is it like... when mommy cries when she's
namping, and she called yout
so it's you making her cry, so you're an idiot?"
For a moment, it was hard to speak from the lump in my throat.
Seconds passed before I nodded and managed,
"Yeah, it's something like that. When did this happen? When did you see her cry?"
"That night when she won't let you come inside the short house," he replied.
"I see." That was the night I'd cleared the air about Megan.
"So can you not idiot again, so she won't hate you anymore?" he asked.
"I... have stopped."